Playstation 3 Release Date Confirmed


Junior Administrator
hmmmm i'm really not sure to be honest. I am looking forward the most to seeing the Revolution... From what is known already it could be a pretty damn sweet console! But everything about it is going to be revealed at E3 in May, so i'm eagerly awaiting that.

I wouldn't put it past Sony to end up with a cock-up like Microsoft whereby there is not enough consoles to cover initial demand, as they are going for a simultaneous worldwide release! Which means lots of very unhappy fanboys just before Christmas... not a good idea!


In Cryo Sleep
thatbloke said:
I wouldn't put it past Sony to end up with a cock-up like Microsoft whereby there is not enough consoles to cover initial demand

I stubbornly deny the fact that Microsoft 'cocked up' as you say, I think they did a lot worse. Bet you any money they stored up literally hundreds of thousands of consoles in a warehouse, just to try and promote themselves as 'the company who sold so many consoles, they couldnt get enough stock in for months!'. Microsoft'd do it.

Anyway, no I dont think Sony will cock this one up. Ive got an inner feeling that itll be quite a blast. The only thing that makes me a bit pretentious is all that stuff about requiring a 60gb hard-drive to play, and yet not guaranteeing that it comes with the console. I mean, Id buy it, but it really would make me sad if they sunk to such low depths as that of microsoft (that whole X360/X360 core console thing). But aside from that, all fears doubts and grumbles will be thrown aside when GTA 5 comes out anyway, so roll on PS3, I say.


In Cryo Sleep
dont u mean GTA 6? GTA3 GTA Vice city(4),GTASan Andreas(5) so the next one would be 6 right?


In Cryo Sleep
Gopha said:
dont u mean GTA 6? GTA3 GTA Vice city(4),GTASan Andreas(5) so the next one would be 6 right?

That man is CORRECT.

I hate making mistakes :( Daft thing is that I actually counted that out in my head to make sure I didnt make a mistake and look what happens :/

Fuzzy Bunny

I still want to get a PS2 so I can play Soul Calibur 3 :/

I can't think of any other game for the PS2 that I want...