PM Folders and sent messages


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Right, so, there's this thing where you can create custom folders for your messages and send messages you receive into these folders. Which is nice.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be possible to move messages you sent into these folders.

Would it be possible to make this possible?


Ronin Storm

Staff member
This isn't something we can just turn on, unfortunately, because vB didn't choose to include this functionality. It'd be a code hack. Not sure how fundamental. How important is this to you?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

It's not vital. Certainly not vital enough to warrant an in-brew PHP hack... :)

It would basically be of help to me with managing my forum game idea, but I can do without well enough.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
A possible alternative would be to create a forum that allowed a user to only see their own threads and you to see all threads. However, I'm not sure that's a whole lot better than PMs.

Shout if you need more PM space.