PM inbox


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that even when I delete PMs from my inbox, it still says I have them up the top of the site.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
This is probably an AJAX feature not playing nice with non-AJAX feature. If you refresh the page does this problem continue?


Well-Known Member
At the top of the page I have this...

Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 27.

And on my inbox, there is...

Today: Messages: 1
Yesterday: Messages: 1
Last Week: Messages: 1

So, the top banner is telling me there's 27 messages in my inbox, and my inbox tells me there's only three, qtf?

And no, refreshing doesn't fix it =s.


Active Member
That's the number of message today, yesterday and last week. You must have 24 messages in your PM inbox dating back beyond last week.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
PsiSoldier28 said:
the top banner is telling me there's 27 messages in my inbox

It's actually telling you that you have 27 messages in your account. That includes your inbox, sent items, saved items, and any other folders you may have created. Sent items is the most likely source. There's a drop-down above the messages list that allows you to select different folders.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't even go down when I delete messages, and to KillCrazy, I delete messages older than a week.
And no, there's no drop down...


Well-Known Member
If you were a little more specific in your first post =/

Yeah... So why the hell does it tell you all messages, and not just inbox messages? Inbox messages are the only ones I give a crap about =/. Perhaps a selection thing in the user CP would make it easier:).