Pocket rocket problems?


Junior Administrator
Ok I am having "issues" with the pocket rockets. (The ones you get with the assault kit that I like to call pocket rockets.)

Namely that they only seem to explode about 25% of the time... anyone else get this?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I believe it's about the range they're set to. Bob was explaining some complicated technique to set the ranging on them. I've never really got his technique figured out but (last I played) I had a technique of my own that worked okay.


Pocket Rockets have a minimum range to explode - 20m. When you're zoomed in with any of the Assault kit rifles, you can see the distance as the little number under the central sights. I think it's there on the zoomed in pocket rocket sights to. When you are zoomed in, you can scroll to set the distance the rockets explode at. It's how you kill people hiding behind walls - set the distance slightly over that of the distance of the wall, and aim around the wall. If you point at a solid object and zoom in with the rockets, it will auto set to the distance of that object so that you only need to make a minor adjustment.

Try it. It's easy! Ish...

As an aside, I think that if you hit a person and the rocket doesn't explode, it still hurts... I think. I know it damages consoles if they don't explode, so meh...


Junior Administrator
basically if its close range then that is what the voss is for (put those filthy baurs away as well) 30m plus then PK are the nuts. I only use them If I'm raised above the person i want to kill and tend to give myself 3 rockets per group with the spare if u balls it right up. at long distance the auto sight is gash so the best way to get the longer range shots is using your main weapon and then change to PK and adjust the distance using the scroll wheel. This is for targets sort of 100m+ away tho. For normal use as elD says, bring up the sight point at your target or the wall they are against or the floor they are on, or some steady reference point. Then fire, on the most part you'll get them after 2/3 with that 4th to cause uber damage. If the setting is on 100m and you fire it at the floor it isn't going to do a thing unless ur lucky enough to get a direct hit on the target and then they are pretty much dead.


Junior Administrator
I've had some of these problems as well! Hopefully these pointer might help me out with them as well come sunday