Pondering transfering ...


Staff member
So, in a word Ruin sucks, unfortunately because Ruin sucks many players that were worth playing with have moved onto other Realms on other Battlegroups or have simply stopped playing entirely.

Having had nothing but crap PUG's and apathy on Scarshield for a long time I am looking at transfering away, possibly to Ravenholdt.

Not sure if anyone else is potentially interested in migrating but its something that the guild may want to look into (or not). I'm 99% sure I'll migrate Soulhaven and I'm still debating what I want to do with Stormhaven.

I'm not about to start laying into people about the quality of individual players, everyone finds their own balance in this game and I'm looking for something more competitive and satisfying than what I am finding atm. Thats a long way of saying don't turn this into a flame war.

For the time being I'll be taking a break from raiding and PUGS (probably for a couple of weeks). I might pop on for a bit of levelling on my rogue and some social but thats all for now.



scarshield thread I started


Junior Administrator
There are a number of people who had alliance characters on Ravenholdt IIRC...

But I guess you wouldn't want to reroll :D


Staff member
Just found this on the bloodlust forum:

Posted: 01 Jul 2008 06:02 pm Post subject: SSL Bloodlust is officially inactive, server transfered .... On the 30th of June 08, SSL Bloodlust was offically inactive. Officers have decided and agreed to server transferring and we're hoping many of you will follow our steps. The new server we have moved to is Kazzak EU.

Why leave SSL?

We left it one week for raiding and out of 4 days, 0 raids went ahead...10 sign ups was like tops :s Seems interests have gone.

The stress and tiredness of trying to get a raid together and trying to recruit members was a losing battle. SSL is soo empty, theres no one to recruit apart from KZ or 1/6 ZA experienced people

Why Kazzak?

Its a PvP server with high population plus its ranked 12th in world for PvE progression where SSL was like 350th or lower. Its busy, always active and both PvE and PvP are great. No wait times in PvP/Arenas and plentiful of recuits to pick from with most experienced and geared from of SSC/TK/MH.

All of SSL Bloodlust are welcome to follow, it costs 20 Euro (£15) per character to transfer OR as some others have done they have created new characters probably ready for Wotlk.

19:00 GMT and the newly created guild, Bloodlings (set to change in future cause it sucks) has 20+ members and its only been 1 day. we are awaiting many to follow.

Remember ventrilo is always open to you all including these forums so dont be a stranger or any questions come talk to the officers on ventrilo.

I would like to thank ALL members of bloodlust SSL and specific Aftermath members (you know who you are) for all the work you have done and great times we've had. As i know some of you have not been able to transfer
Always sad to see friends separating but as ive said vent and forums are always open. Any time in the future if you change your mind and want to transfer, your more than welcome to come over. Thanks SSL guys and girls, it has been a pleasure to play with ya all :')


Also found an interesting article on the Ruin battlegroup


Well-Known Member
I'd certainly consider it, but I'm not migrating to a pure PVP server with the associated l33tards, griefers and gankers (not to mention the stupid names). I enjoy the (slightly!) more mature environment of RPPVP.

However, there's a bunch of people I work with who play Horde on Defias Brotherhood (RPPVP) and that's a move I'd give some thought to. I can't get on Blizz sites at work :( but they said it's a good battlegroup with about 8 servers (nice healthy number, unlike Ruin) and Defias Brotherhood always had a good reputation amongst RPers.

The bad news? I'd have to scrape together £60 to transfer my four level 60+ characters... which is, of course, why Blizz don't do anything to save Ruin, why do that when people will pay you for the privilege of moving?

However, it's a price worth paying IMO, as WoW on SSL isn't much fun anymore.


In Cryo Sleep
this issue was raised in guild... to move or not.. were holding onto the straw that says that when wotlk comes out we should be more populated....

I hope. if not I think we should up sticks. I dont think its fun or good for anyone


Well-Known Member
I think that if people come back for WOTLK, it's not going to be SSL or Ruin that they choose... and I don't particularly want to wait till September (or later, wanna bet it's not out before Christmas?) to find out.


To be completly honest i will follow you all where ever you choose to go ... i have been in many guilds and this one is the best by far in many different aspects... i really feel a sense of friendship and team playing here and have no wish to leave... even if we change server :) ..... keep up the good work and get me lots more shinies ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Ruin Battlegroup is doomed due to lack of population. Prior to rejoining The Haven, I seriously pondered transfering Zaggank and one or two alts to a different Battlegroup, given the consistently diminishing population on our realm.

People like to PVP, and I'm no exception. The sum of both PVP and PVE accomplishment is what keeps the game varied enough, and while Eljoel prefers to go near-full PVP and, say, Angelic is a PVE chap first and foremost, many are a mix of both, and both sides of the equation suffer when population stagnates in a low number. If people decide to move, I'll move my chars as well, simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Awww... I'm choking up here, I can tell ya.

I just hope we can all agree on a server, it would be a shame to end up all over the place. As I said before though, I'm sticking with RPPVP, whether it be here on SSL, Def B, Sporeggar or Ravenholdt (I have alliance chars on TVC, so that's out for me).


Well-Known Member
I'm not moving. Kersh, Baldi and T-bone said the same to me just a moment ago. We'd rather be the big fish in a small pond than little fish in a big pond, where we'd likely have fewer friends and it'd almost certainly be less fun.


New Member
I ain't moving, I've made too many friends in SSL to move and, quite frankly, if I moved into another realm I'd be completely lost in the RP front as well as reduced to 0 friends...


In Cryo Sleep
Seems to have gone a bit off topic to a guild move here.
Haven, if you feel your character isnt getting the TLC it needs in SSL, its yours to play with and do with as you wish at the end of the day.

Though i do know there are (tho very few) guilds left on SSL raiding at regular T5 and some T6 level, it would obv be cheaper to ask around in realm first before you transfer and potentially waste wonga on a realm that is presumed better.

And touch me...


In Cryo Sleep
Not that i mind if people want to transfer and stuff (Best of luck to you :) ) but i think that if everyone (Aftermath, Bloodlust, ectect) move realms then the problem is not going to get any better.

Im here on ssl for the long haul and im going to do what i can to help the situation, rather than running from it.

So i wont be transfering, but good luck and have fun to those who are :) You will be missed and wont find that same <The Haven> feel anywhere else :)


Staff member
Though i do know there are (tho very few) guilds left on SSL raiding at regular T5 and some T6 level, it would obv be cheaper to ask around in realm first before you transfer and potentially waste wonga on a realm that is presumed better.
There are only two horde guilds left raiding at that level and neither are what I'm looking for. Makes sense for me to move or simply stop with that character. I'm also frustrated with the general lack of quality in most game sessions so I'm happy to move around and see the sights and hopefully find something more inspiring ... or I could just go play something else for a few months :)

The guild move suggestion was based on the experiences of a couple of other guilds I'm in touch with - both have extremely positive reports having moved from SSL. Anyway you've all made your positions clear on that one so we'll leave this thread for now.


Well-Known Member
Baldi, the problem isn't going to get any better whether we stay or go. Other people are leaving the realm, be it one at a time or as a guild. Blizzard don't give a flying f*ck, they've dangled carrots in front of the SSL population for 18 months - that's a YEAR AND A HALF - and done NOTHING other than take the cash of people who've had enough.


In Cryo Sleep
I know ive been out of the game, and still have no want to return at all, and even i know how bad SSL is. chatting to a few people still on the server all i hear is about its slow and painful death.

And to be honest Razz is right, Blizz will do nothing. look at how long people have been complaining about battle group ruin, and yet nothing.

Heck there was a US server [cant remember the name] that was dying, and blizzard only stepped in when they realized that the Alliance lv 70 population consited of 9 people.

There are loads of reasons why i dont want to go back, and blizzards poor customer satisfaction is one of the reasons, that and their idea of PvP balance [yay brutal gear].

And to think that The haven now must be probably the 3rd or 4th most progressed horde guild on the server now due to how many others have left is just a little worrying.

Personally IF i was still playing id most likely transfer of the server. heck even the server my mum plays on is more lively than SSL


Well-Known Member
heck even the server my mum plays on is more lively than SSL

Thats because your mum plays on it Zhin ;)

Whilst there would be advantages to moving, Im staying put too. Ive come as far as I have in about 5 months (about 99.9% due to the help of you awesome lot), and tbh, if I really didnt like SSL, I'd just start from scratch on another server with other IRL friends.

If there were ever a free transfer from Ruin (which I highly doubt there ever will be), I might take it, but Im not paying more precious money just for the sake of hopping to somewhere a little fuller and further progressed.