

In Cryo Sleep
This is a homage to Portal.

One of the best games I've played in ages.

Amusing and fun, what more could I ask for :).

Let them eat cake!


Well-Known Member
That game has just made my week. Caaaaaake!

Ending credits are made of sex, I swear. I love Valve!


Active Member
Oh my god how could I have come home and forgotten about the release of the orange box!!! Playing now!!


In Cryo Sleep
Too true my friend.

One of the best evenings gaming I've had in a while. Thanks to Valve for making a quality game that was a joy to play.



Junior Administrator
Staff member
That was brilliant!

I had Nanor taunting me throughout it via chat :D though finished the last part with only 4 secs to spare *phew*.

So many times i thought i was stuck then something clicked :D

Great game.

On to the bonus ones next.


Staff member
Yup, this game is so good, I think I need a new adjective.Hmm. Supertacular! That's it! :D

But there is no cake! HELP!


Remember when you were sliding down to the fire? And I was all like, "You're going to die". And you were all like, "No way!"


Best character of any game ever made...


That is fantastic! :D

On a side note, I'm going through the challenges and advanced levels. The last advanced level was the only one to give me difficulties at the
room with 4 turrets, where you have to jump across the room to get a box. And below the box is a switch to open the passage out and make the wall point at a 45degree angle

Doing the challenges, and they are insane! Forget the least steps and least time, I'm rubbish at those. And as for the least portals, I can get bronze on the first test, gold on the second (go me! 2 portals, that's all!), and none on the others! >_< INSANE!

Still, got my Terminal Velocity award, which was crazy! Next is long jump!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Just a little something connected with portal check out this website


type Login at the start then it will ask you for a name and password

type cjohnson and tier3 (which you may have seen within Portal) and then "notes" or "apply"


Junior Administrator
Just finished the game, totally awesome. Agree fully with everybody who said they loved the credits.

I really liked how the game dynamic changed at the end towards the esacpe, it had the right amount of tension and puzzles to keep me on my toes. Really loved the bit with the pit full of turrets, I felt so smart taking them all out one by one :)


Junior Administrator
It's a brilliant website and promotional tool.

I was also reminded that for those who haven't actually bought Portal yet, you can try the gameplay style by playing Excite mod for HL2, which features slightly buggy multiplayer Portal action. Wootabulous!


You're web link is broken!

And as far as I knew, all the mods that emulated Portal didn't have momemtum conservation, which Portal does!