[Portals] You know your a nerd when...


Junior Administrator
o_O. That looks like it's made out of wood, and is therefore damned heavy...

but that is still quite cool :D

I wonder how long it will be before BiG_D starts wearing that to work?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
That looks like it's made out of wood, and is therefore damned heavy...

The crinkled edges along the top indicate that it's actually cardboard, the type with the corrugated interior and two layers of card in and out. Still heavy, I warrant, but not impossibly so.


Staff member
Note that I had discussed building a very similar costume, but we simply didn't have time for it this year :(


In Cryo Sleep
I like the photos of the TF2 team costumes which appeared on the steam update page a cupla days ago. the attention to detail was very good.