Post your UI!


Junior Administrator
So... for reasons of being entirely nosey and also to try and exercise some of the new forum features that were added with the recent upgrade, I now want to see your UIs!

So.... look at the top of the forums page and you will see a new drop-down menu called "Community" - click it and in the menu, select the Albums option.

Then, go into the WoW UIs album I have created and then select the option to upload a new picture to it. You will first need to convert your screenshot from the tga format to the jpg format, as the albums will only accept jpeg images.

So to start, this is my UI :)


In Cryo Sleep
is there any rank restriction for the upload or is it only me being dumb/blind...? can't find the upload button


Junior Administrator
nope, its me being a nab - it seems that the photo Albums are related to your profile so that you can only upload pics to it if you made it.

so I'll come up with another solution or something >_<


In Cryo Sleep
I'll upload my messy and dreaded UI as soon as the q guy fixed the problem


Active Member
OK, my UI can be seen here.

EDIT: I made it so that I have everything I need close to the center of the screen - HoT tracking, cooldowns, the raid frames (obviously the most important thing for a healer), cast bar... Even on my 1440x900 (which I kinda like, having been a 1024x768 guy for too long) I still lack space.

Lately I tried Caith UI because it looks very nice and is also very spacey and after about an hour of messing with it I actually almost got it to work, but there's no way I can understand how can anyone live with so few (20 or so) hotbarred buttons.

EDIT2: Bloke, what solution? Everyone just create an album called WoW UI or something, post his screenshots into it and provide a link...?


Junior Administrator
unforunately it seems that most UIs I see pictures of lately are not for "clickers" - i.e. they are for people who have most of their abilities bound to hotkeys on their keyboard.

This annoys me as I dont like doing that :D

I'm currently toying with splitting my big block of buttons so that it is wider and doesnt come up as high, but will see waht happens :)


Active Member
Well, I'm what most healers are - clickboarder. I click to pick targets then mash keybinded buttons to cast a spell.

You, however, could get away with having the boss targetted all the time and just clicking a couple big buttons positioned where you'd like them. Such as like this (just made it with my hunter so that you can see what I mean).


Junior Administrator
Right, THN has a proper Gallery website where people can post pictures, I'm gonna post a little tutorial for adding your pics to the gallery later when I get home from work :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
nope, its me being a nab - it seems that the photo Albums are related to your profile so that you can only upload pics to it if you made it.

so I'll come up with another solution or something >_<

Actually, the way the whole vBulletin galleries system works is as follows:

  1. You register with THN and activate your account.
  2. You create a gallery called whatever you like. This is associated with your account.
  3. You upload pictures to that gallery.
  4. You create a Social Group called something like "World of Warcraft User Interface" and allow it to have a gallery of its own.
  5. You select one or more pictures from your gallery to add to the WoW UI gallery.

Voila! Your Social Group now has user interface pictures displayed centrally, but properly attributed and controlled by their owning user.

Or you can use THN Gallery.


Junior Administrator
Actually, the way the whole vBulletin galleries system works is as follows:

  1. You register with THN and activate your account.
  2. You create a gallery called whatever you like. This is associated with your account.
  3. You upload pictures to that gallery.
  4. You create a Social Group called something like "World of Warcraft User Interface" and allow it to have a gallery of its own.
  5. You select one or more pictures from your gallery to add to the WoW UI gallery.

Voila! Your Social Group now has user interface pictures displayed centrally, but properly attributed and controlled by their owning user.

Or you can use THN Gallery.

Any chance of getting the maximum image size in the social groups galleries increased? :D

If not, I'll just use the gallery :)


Active Member
Those things are nice to know, but not completely in topic, so could I ask bloke what would he like in the clicking UI? Also, if this sort of big bar right next to the toon suits him? It does some, if I was a clicker I'd probably go for it as well, but might not you.


Junior Administrator
Ok, so I like to actually see what I'm doing, but I also don't like having to have half of my abilities bound to keyboard buttons just so that I can see what I'm doing. I like to have the DPS meter up, though I am thinking of hiding it so that I can just view it when out of combat - this will save a bit of screen space.

I also like to have a few free button areas so I've got an easy place to drop quest items onto so I can use them easily. I'm happy with the default Blizzard party frames and map, though if it's sexy enough I won't say no :D


Well-Known Member
Nice... but does it make me a bad person to feel good about seeing Fence so far down the damage meter? :D


My addons folder is full of crap, I will try to find the original package and upload it somewhere...