Potential Microsoft Windows Vista restrictions


Junior Administrator
Hmmm just read a story on Slashdot that's a little disturbing for any gamers planning on upgrading to Vista anytime soon.

The Slashdot story and The Techweb article referenced by Slashdot.

The main points from this (quotes taken from the Techweb article):
  • The first user of the software may reassign the license to another device one time. If you reassign the license, that other device becomes the "licensed device."
  • Elsewhere in the license, Microsoft forbids users from installing Vista Home Basic and Vista Home Premium in a virtual machine.
  • Failure of a validation check results in the loss of access to specific features. Also relevant on this bit: The software will from time to time validate the software, update or require download of the validation feature of the software. If after a validation check, the software is found not to be properly licensed, the functionality of the software may be affected.
Ok so three main points cmoing out of this. The first one will affect people who regularly upgrade their systems. As to which "device" Vista will assign itself to (the motherboard? and how?) I do not know, but I have upgraded my XP Pro system at least twice now and have sometimes required re-activation for something as trivial as adding a second network card. Is Vista similar? Who knows... But if they fuck me over when I (eventually) end up getting Vista (a number of us probably will) I will not be very happy and will do everything I can to break this particular "feature."

As for the second point... I'm not really sure this is going to be enforcable... the whole point of a virtual machine is that the OS installed on it doesn't actually know (or need to know) that its running on a virtual machine and therefore will act no differently at all...

The third point is what gets me. Though not explicitly stated, it seems to imply that an active internet connection will be REQUIRED for activation and validation in some way, perhaps in a similar way to what Valve did with Half Life 2.

What if you are offline for a period when Vista decides it needs validating? What if you do not have a net connection at all? What if (Heaven forbid it) you are on dial-up?

At least if you do have a (real -and by that I mean legitimate) problem validating Vista (for whatever reason) it still lets you get in and on to the Internet so you can try and fix it... Unlike XP.

This looks like some system that could be exploited by malware, however, where if a malicious program could gain access to these restriction "features" then it may end up simply holding your system to ransom, demanding a payment or something to release it. Not nice.

Anyone else got their $0.02 on this?


Staff member
As I sit here typing in my ubuntu desktop I smile at you all... That is all :)

Not that linux is a drop in replacement for windows just yet but maybe it will get there eventually - bring on native linux gaming development I say.

The other alternative that a lot of people are taking (again not a good choice for gamers) is Mac OSX ... but realistically if you want DirectX10 and modern gaming you'll have to stick with windows for now.


Indeed, I'll be using Windows for a good while until Linux gaming comes along :(


Active Member
I don't think I'll be rushing to get Vista when it comes out. I like XP and have no problems with it. I'll wait for my dad to get Vista so he can find out the pro's and con's before I make the decision :)


If it does indeed come out in the first quarter of 2007, I'll be getting it! Mainly cos I'll be getting it free with my uni department :)


Junior Administrator
The WINE project has come on leaps and bounds over the past while, if I remember correctly DirectX functionality is being emulated and updated - of course there is a speed loss in doing this but having emulation to such a state that could run games out of the box is an acheiveable goal for linux, albeit if it takes a few more years and a lot of coding to reach that stage. Most of the DX9.0 functions can be incorporated in OpenGL 2.0 anyway...

Having tried Vista, I don't think it's an essential upgrade by any standards. See my attached review of build 5038 for more info - it's a way outdated build in technical terms by now, but not in terms of core functionality.

Vista - be very wary of Microsoft's promises... anyone remember Windows 95?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'll probably end up using whatever the Vista equivalent of the XP Pro product is, but only for work purposes -- part of my MSDN license. At home, unless Vista is someone uber-impressive, I'll not be bothering for years to come.


Junior Administrator
yeah unless microsoft can pull out what intel have done with the core duo and shock the pants off us all then i'm not going to be using vista for a long old while. although i am looking forward to the excuses for the first few years about why its as unstable as its bound to be. I'm hoping to be made to eat my words but somehow i doubt it.


Wasn't there a whole lot of gaming issues caused when XP came out? I didn't go XP until August 2004. The advice from 'PC Gamer' magazine is that you will be able to get away with using XP for another 2 years.

New OS always have probs, especially with games. Yes they may work a little better but better performance being comprimised by unstability is most unwelcome in my book.

Be patient, cool the upgrade urge, just wait.....


Staff member
Hilariously inaccurate, unless you want to say people are beta testing every time they use any program on any platform...


Junior Administrator
I went XP in 2002, and did indeed have gaming issues for about a year until I got used to the OS and could tweak the compatibility settings to suit my needs.

And for those not reading PC Gamer this month, the advice is indeed to hold off until the OS becomes more stable through extensive use. But know this - you will inevitably have to upgrade for gaming to get DirectX 10 since this will not be backported.