[PR] Map Rotation

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thinking forward to our (upcoming) lovely server... and what maps we should have in rotation.

The documentation on the maps over at PR is a bit poor. However, from memory, the following can be fairly interesting and varied:

  • Al Basrah -- US vs Insurgents, urban combat, good infantry and light armour battle
  • Airport -- GB vs MEC, open-urban combat (wide spaces between large buildings), MEC armour vs GB infantry (not fair, but interesting)
  • Al Fallujah Region -- US vs MEC, desert combat, MEC defending point by point against US assault, when a point is lost it can't be recapped by MEC
  • EJOD Desert -- US vs MEC, mixed desert and urban combat, a little dubious on this one...
  • Jabal Al-Burj -- US vs MEC, mixed mountain and urban combat, some helo skills needed from US, fairly spread out but still good mobile combat
  • Muttrah City -- US vs MEC, amphibious urban assault, US attacking and hard map for US to win unless they have their first 5 minutes really together, but cool none-the-less
  • Operation Ghost Train -- GB vs PLA, jungle battle across a gorge, some light armour but mostly infantry, at Piacular's request
  • Sunset City -- US vs PLA, mixed woodland and urban combat, US offence vs PLA defence, primarily infantry combat with some PLA armour

Any other suggestions?

[edit]Added Operation Ghost Train at Piacular's request.[/edit]


In Cryo Sleep
Operation Ghost Train is a most excellent 64-player map :). (As GB at least, I've played it once from that point of view and it was one of my favorite PR rounds so far).

What sizes do you intend to use, as that would heavily affect choices...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Operation Ghost Train is a most excellent 64-player map :).

Okay, sure. The bridges and river gorge have me a little dubious but the jungle combat is good (and confusing ;) ).

What sizes do you intend to use, as that would heavily affect choices...

By default, 64 player versions (where that makes sense). However... that very much depends on what our server can cope with alongside other games. Currently, I'm working from an assumption of putting up an AAS server but maybe we'll need to review that after seeing how she runs.

Going to need to give them a try and see what they look like at different sizes.


Well-Known Member
Which ever ones don't lag like crap :D. I've tried only 1 PR map (Other was Oman for practice flying) and it lagged whenever I looked north I think, not very good :(.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The lag, apparently, is largely due to the load created by the python scripts used for PR, server-side. They're working on optimising that for the server patch, hopefully available real soon.


Junior Administrator
ERRRRR i come head dipped. Just been playing some extract avec mr piacular and it was quite a lot of fun. would there be any chance of having extract maps as well.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I think we'd need to run a parallel server for the Extract gametype but I'd not rule that out.

Not yet played Extract myself...


Is there any chance for the lowly non-admins to have the ability to change maps when in rotation? One of the annoying things on Serenity was not being able to change maps to practise when they were empty (unless you caught an admin who was free at the time on TS or something).

I'm not sure if you can give access to change maps without the permissions to kick/ban players? And I realise that if you can't, then it's probably best not to, and even if you can, it might be best not to (if it's a public server, having a clan member change the map because they want to will negatively affect the view of the server and all). I'm just curious is all :)

Please don't think I'm "GIVE ME ACCESS!"ing, just throwing some ideas as it looks like the server will be up and running at some point (soon? :D).

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I plan to get the server up and then review what roles are needed, what BF2's server implementation allows me to distribute in terms of powers, and how many people I think we need to keep the server properly admined. Not done any of that yet so hang on in there. Noted, though; well noted.


Junior Administrator
Maps sound good. I havn't played extract yet, but given the precy from bob last night it sounds fun. If the server can handle both I think having seperate servers for the two game modes would be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
The lag, apparently, is largely due to the load created by the python scripts used for PR, server-side. They're working on optimising that for the server patch, hopefully available real soon.

The what? :D

That could be why I lag on Oman in PR, and not BF2.


In Cryo Sleep
Extract runs with less people, Bob and I played on the PTG Xtract server last night, which caps the pop at 20. If you swap from a 64-player to a 20, things could get quite crowded :D.

Having said that, extraction is a very cool mode. Couple of genius moments in the few maps we played. On Basrah, it was ace! A convoy composed of an APC up front, followed by 2 Hummers and the VIP Sedan, and then a littlebird hovering about 15 feets above us.... so cool :D. I think we got wtfpwned! by IED's in the end :). Then we have the map called.... erm.... something with the Taliban... damn, can't remember. Great map! Full model destructable buildings! Awesome, plus the fact Bob was the VIP and we managed to all huddle together to reach the Crash Site, and then scrap back to Extraction, but forgot to trigger the Crash site flag, d'oh! Faught our way back across the map, and then trawled back to exract again, only for our 10 men to be reduced to lonely Bob and I sprinting like mad with only a 30m to go and all the Taliban firing RPG's and bullets! Oh how we died... so close!


In Cryo Sleep
Yes. We should be getting a new server, Promethius, fairly shortly. And when we do, I'm going to setup PR on it.

oh ronin you dancer, this is gona be cool, with PR's growing intrest we should maybe think of a PR clan or something competitive, and if we have a server for it...... catch my drift?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've started on getting our BF2-PR server setup. Downloading (again... :p) the server files. Not sure when I'll have it fully up and running but, if you're really lucky, it'll be over this weekend. There's a bunch of stuff the server admins still need to figure out so you may need to be patient.

Still, it does raise the priority of this question... what maps, what order, what size?

I'm going to aim to launch an AAS server first as I know how that works best but I'll also ensure that we have an Xtract config available too for easy switch-over. This thread is about what AAS maps we want.

Further thoughts?


New Member
I lag on every map, unless it is 16-player :( It'll stay that way until I do well in my GCSE's (fingers crossed), when my parents will hopefully buy me a new graphics card! So, only a few months to wait... *sigh*

I like the map where it is GB v PLA where the PLA spawn at the top of the hill and the brits spawn in a ditch/valley and they have to fight their way up. It's good fun, but a bit constricted in terms of how many tactics you can use.