[PR] New tournament on the way!


New Member
That's right, another tournament is soon to start. Theres still plenty of space, so check it out at http://opreal.ath.cx/

Basically, this is the first campaign, and it's NATO V EAC (East Asia Coalition). You choose which side you're on, then you choose which brigade (Infantry, Light Infantry, Air Corps, Armour etc.) and what you want to do within that brigade. It's set to be awesome, just the way PR was meant to be :)

Join now!



Sounds interesting! Maybe we should try and get a THN group together. I realise we might not always fight together, but we could always join the same brigade, and hopefully see some action together :)

And then we can always practice on the THN server! I'm up for a game of PR this friday, if people are intersted?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
And then we can always practice on the THN server! I'm up for a game of PR this friday, if people are intersted?

I've got two busy weekends in a row so I'll probably not be around this Friday but, come July, I hope to be playing more of everything. :)


New Member
*BUMP* Tournament is now officially open. Server is up, running on 0.6 BETA, TS is up and running, structure is in place and units are now recruiting. SIGN UP NOW :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks for the reminder, Taffy. I'm struggling for time on Saturdays for the next month or so, so I might have to count myself out.


New Member
:( Thats a shame. Still, there are 12 campaigns scheduled to run, so i'm sure you'll be able to play in the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that :)