[PR] Project Reality Mod 0.6 BETA


New Member
I'm going to wait for the final 0.6 to come out. I'm not downloading the beta, THEN the final. Takes too much time. I've heard great things about it though.


In Cryo Sleep
Right all just got some word when its coming out!!!

Its mean't to be out on the 23rd of july... (ish)

update !!!


New Member
Was meant to be out on 4th July...but then some clan kicked up a lot of legal fuss, so they have to write out an EULA, prohibiting any SSM on servers unless they are local servers or passworded. :(


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. I'm looking forward to trying this. Doubt it'll be that brilliant, though.


In Cryo Sleep
to be fair very little has been added, a warrior and two maps is more than ea give us but for the amount of time it seems a little short.

but maybe im wrong, anyone interested in clanmatching at this for the next year?