[PR] You guys play any more?


New Member
Haven't seen anyone on this for a while now...

0.6 is to be released in the near future, so I was hoping that we would be getting together to play regularly. So, who's still playing it? I won't be able to play much in the coming weeks (exams), but after that i'm going to be playing PR pretty much exclusively, especially in the evening's when I won't just be looking for a quick round of something before lunch, or before I go out or whatever. Hope to see you on the battlefield ;)


As a PR server admin, I should play more. But I can't at the moment due to deadlines :(

However, in 3 weeks time I will be setting up some events, so keep your eyes open!

Also, ED run a PR ladder, hint hint! :)


In Cryo Sleep
i play pr on a regular basis... i you ever want a go then i play on muttary city 24/7 servers but ill come pn to a different on if you want


Junior Administrator
Same as elDiablo, I'm busy with final deadlines and essays and work and such like. But I should finish soon and then get the new soundcard hopefully. Then i'll be joining you all on the battlefield!


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Junior Administrator
Staff member
New computer means the game is not there any more :D. Need to reinstall BF2 sometime so will get PR at the same time.


Staff member
Capital harddrive failure (+ possible extra complications) means I won't play anything until that's fixed. And I can't afford to do that until the end of june.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It's a tale of woe in here, isn't it?

I managed to destroy my entire BF2 installation, somehow. I think I've got it recovered now but that really broke my PR flow. I'm about to start seriously working on moving house, however, so my time is also going to go into a bit of low patch... after that, I'm around and up for games.


New Member
Fair doesies, just some bad timings from Lady Luck all round then. Hopefully we can resolve the various problems soon and get some games going.