Pre-TBC Raiding: Naxxrammas


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, all, :)

Early this evening, I finally got the oomph to go down to the plaguelands to finish my Argent Dawn exaltedness and get my Naxxrammas attunement for free.

Meaning, if y'all would like to plan one last stroll through the citadel before it goes flying off to Northrend, I would very much like to come along.

So... any takers? :)



Well-Known Member
Naxx will still take a LOT of people and a goodly amount of co-ordination... it'll be a bit of time yet, mate


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Fair enough. :) Was just gathering interest, anyway.

For instance, it would be helpful to know how many folk in the guild are (or intend to become) Naxx attuned.



Well-Known Member
Well, Lithy is attuned, and I've been in there before (with Illusion pre-disbanding)... if we could get it going, it'd be awesome and I'd be up for it; something to think about over time, perhaps?


In Cryo Sleep
Zenith may make an attempt at Naxx once we're done with our current sunday setup of karazhan. We did AQ40 there up to the Twin Emperors a couple of weeks ago but its very on the moment what we do sometimes. I believe there were invites sent out to the haven but they were busy with karazhan at the time.

I'll let you all know of anything in the future, as sunday is generally our more relaxed fun days to do these things.


Well-Known Member
There we invites sent out, I remember; several of us were in Karazhan at the time, though; unfortunate timing


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahoy, :)


Duren, any news on the Zénith side?

THNers, other than Lithy and me, any other takers?


P.S. Moderators, is there a thread bump policy for this (sub)forum, and if so, did I break it?