Problems with activating my account


In Cryo Sleep
Hey there,

I just wanted to tell you I didn't get an activation email when I made this account. Can you try resending it?

I also told Bexxor about this and posted about this problem in my application.

Thanks in advance,


In Cryo Sleep
Hello Mr. DocBot and my friendly neighburhood voucher. Thanks for the quick response, but I still haven't received any email. :(

Does the server hate me? Or does it hate hotmail?
I checked my mail all night and I also checked spam, junk, deleted, and I checked the address I posted upon creation of the account twice. It's the right address.

What is wrong with me? Why doesn't the server like me!:mad:

Bad Lilaque! *slaps his face*

I won't stop doing this till it's resolved, so please hurry before I pass out!



Junior Administrator
Do you perchance have a hotmail account?

I have found in the past that the activation emails from here seem to have difficulty getting through to hotmail email accounts...


In Cryo Sleep
Indeed I do. So do you suggest using a different email on the account activation? If so, can I change it back once the activation is settled to receive notifications and such or do they have the same problems getting through?


In Cryo Sleep
I have checked unwanted too, but it's not in my mailbox. I have just turned off my phishing and security checks on mails. I think hotmail might have been blocking your mail because of that.

Care to send it to me again?
Thank you


Junior Administrator
Yea I had the same issue - our activation emails don't seem to get through to hotmail accounts at all.

I'm not sure if even adding the address from here to your safe list works...


In Cryo Sleep
Hmm, that might help too. What is the address you guys use? I'll add it to my safe list.


Staff member
You should be able to request a resend of the activation email by yourself, go here and try it.


In Cryo Sleep
Thanks for the link. I tried resending to my hotmail account, but nothing.

Then I changed my email in my profile and tried my gmail twice. I don't know how long it normally takes the server to send the authentication email, but haven't received anything on either inbox, spam so far.

Will try again in an hour, I'll keep you posted.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've noticed that THN email can take up to three hours to get through, on occasion. Most times it is practically instant but just occasionally, and especially around Googlemail, it seems to get bottled up. However, in my experience, Googlemail and THN work together.


In Cryo Sleep

After trying numerous times on my hotmail and gmail I haven't gotten any emails from THN yet.

I have just tried sending it to a friend of mine's email who is a member of the site already. She used the same address for her own activation email.
I did this to see if she gets any email. In that case it's my account that's the problem. If she doesn't get anything either I assume it's this account or something with the server that is causing problems.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It's probably altogether simpler if you email me from your Googlemail account. I'll drop you a PM with my email address.