Professions and XPs


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

So I spent a few hours gathering some low-level herbs and crafting some glyphs for my alts, tonight... and found myself with an extra 11k XP...!

I confess I didn't read the patch notes all that carefully, but I did skim through them. I don't remember seeing anything of the sort in there.




New Member
I haven't read anything about this in the patchnotes either :S
But from what I have heard Archeaology gives exp aswell, so I think it is logic other proffesions will give exp aswell :)
It is a nice bonus.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

So I spent a few hours gathering some low-level herbs and crafting some glyphs for my alts, tonight... and found myself with an extra 11k XP...!

I confess I didn't read the patch notes all that carefully, but I did skim through them. I don't remember seeing anything of the sort in there.



Can voche for this.
And here is a fun fact: If levelling together with someone and they are close by, the exp will be divided between the ones there :)
I love it!


Well-Known Member
Think there was a blue post saying that gathering should give roughly as much experience as 1.5-2.5 mobs of the level appropriate for that type of gathering would give; a nice boost to "justify" the time spent hitting a vein with a mining pick rather than hitting a mob with a sword.


Junior Administrator
it also does kinda make sense too - I would expect that at a lower level a large number of people might forego gathering and professions in general until they max out their level, when they can easily just go back and farm all the stuff they want. This gives more of an incentive to do it as you go, and although I would expect that someone such as Zooggy does things in this manner anyway, not everyone does and I think this is just a small bit of encouragement to get people to do so :)