Saw this thread in the profession area on world of warcraft forums.
Get your fishing rod out haven for the wreakages
Get your fishing rod out haven for the wreakages
Everyone is complaining about that fishing is soooooo boring and that it is a hard way to make any money from it unless you got 300 and fish for stonescale eals and for those "elemental schools" in Azhara...
But it is WAYYYY more easy than that actually.
This is how i made a FORTUNE on ~lvl 15...
First of all i was a horde but that has no importance. I simply grinded up 150 in my fishing skill and then i moved over to Stranglethorn vale on the first sunday that accured. Then i bought 15 of those "+75 fishing lures" and won the fishing contest. As the prize from the goblin i chosed "The Hook of the Master Angler" which basically gives you +25/+50 swimming speed and unending breath and ALSO turns you into a giant Deviate Fish.
Anyhow... Now when i had it i started to swim along the coast of Stranglethorn vale and noticed a couple of normal fishing schools etc...
People normaly say that they are "soooo" highly valuable becouse of that the alchemists use them...
But they aren't!
The important thing along the coast are the "Wreckages"! They almost look like a fishing school but they got some barrels, boxes etc floating there instead.
If you fish at these you gain either Iron lockboxes, bloated fishs or Mithrill lockboxes ...
Iron lockboxes gives level 30 gear and regents normaly used at those levels... Like Moss Agates, Bolts of silk cloth or Mageweave and heavy hides etc... They may also contain certain proffesion patterns.
Bloated fishs ALWAYS contain gems of various kinds... Even Star Rubys! They also contain LOTS of rings and Amulets!
And now the best part... The Mithrill Lockboxes...
These boxes (not locked!) Contain level 40 gear, blue 225+ patterns, lots of thick hides, bolts of runecloth, many kinds of gems and so on...
The droprate of these 3 objects are EXTREMELY high on those schools (~80%!) and all you need to do is to have 150 fishing and "+75 fishing lures".
The ONLY thing that keept my character from grinding there FOREVER and become a chinese farmer is that i was anoyed by mobs along the coast.
They are all 35+ so if they spotted me there was only one thing to do: Run!
But still... All schools aren't guarded constantly and if you wait around 5 seconds you may be given 20+ seconds to fish at the wreckage.
Becouse of the contents in those 3 items are so valuable i was able to gain over 8g in less than 50 minuets!
I certainly used this goldmine for my own favor and became rich in no time! I could basically buy anything i wanted!
When i stumbled across the "schematic: Spellpower Goggles Xtreme" (BLUE 225 SCHEMATIC!) i was amazed!
One easy fishing-throw and i was 10g richer!
(Luckiest day of my level 17 chars life!)
Besides all those thing i have said above i also got to notify everyone on a small thing...
Green level 40 gear is VERY valuable... (to a vendor!)
1 little dagger=1.5g+
a little pair of mail legs=1g+
Etc. Etc.
Keep in mind that the fishs often contain Amulets and rings... Even if they are green they are still VERY valuable in the Auction house and they bringed me a even bigger fortune!
Anyway... Use this knowledge to your own pleasure.
PS. Fishing combined with chatting is MUCH more relaxing and enjoyable than grinding mobs all day long...
Good luck with the fishing!