Project Reality / ArmA Armed Assault

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Having a bit of a play around with Project Reality at the moment and just picked up a copy of ArmA Armed Assault.

Anyone else playing? Anyone else interested in some ad-hoc but semi-regular play late evenings (22:30 UK to 01:30 or so)?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm not initially looking to do anything beyond get together in some random pub games, just to be clear. So, really, all I'm wondering is if there are other THNers I could synch up with if only I told them that I was playing.

I'm tending to be off Xfire at the moment because my experience is that it tends to be the cause of the majority of instability I get in games, especially PR.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks for the responses. A few further thoughts:

Nanor: just looking for people who might be interested in playing some more hardcore tactical games rather than looking to build anything out of it (just yet), though that nature of game has never been THN's strong point so I'm not particularly surprised by the smallish number of responses; thus I'm not expecting there to be "a big amount of others", at least not internal to THN

DocBot: I'm generally struggling to get online for a game earlier than 22:00 at the moment, but that will change in two/three months time after I've moved house and am closer to where I work. I know that's not a good time for you, given our time differential. If I'm still playing after I've moved, I'll let you know for sure and we can hook up in-game.

Vibs: I'll be sure to give you a prod. I'll try to remember to fire up MSN more so people can see me without me getting the terrible Xfire-killed-my-game outcome.

Any more interest?


Well-Known Member
Project Reality is that BF2 mod right? If it starts picking up (here) I will certainly join up with you.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
often got very frustrated by PR

I think that games such as PR and ArmA take a different type of play and set of expectations to make them successful. I believe that a big thing that can help is the expectation that there'll be a fair bit of "downtime" or quiet periods between the brutal (and sometimes too short) combat. It's expecting the element of simulation that helps me at those points, even looking for that.

I treat these games as being a sort of airsoft-on-steroids; I get to jump out of helicopters, carrying the best guns I can get, in the coolest environments, and all from the comfort of my home. But just like airsofting, there's a bunch of simulation that goes with the game that changes it from being vBF2 where rushing around and blasting everything that moves was the basis of the game to being largely slower paced punctuated by brief periods of intense and bloody violence.

In that same vein, in-simulation radio chatter helps. It's all part of the experience of the game. Not deadly serious all the time, necessarily, but certainly focused when it counts. And I'm not talking about role-playing the simulation -- I find the whole "Yes sir" business pretty off-putting -- but getting into the spirit of the simulation with "Roger" and "Contact NW, enemy armour, heading this way!" The quality of radio comms makes or breaks a PR game for me, I find.

But there's a bunch of "oh fuck, they saw me and now I'm dead" respawning to be done in some maps in PR and I imagine ArmA can play at the same level of brutality, and PR still has some stupid bugs here and there that can mar your enjoyment if they turn up. But most of the time, PR plays fine for me and as long as I can find a squad that talks on voice and at least largely pays attention to me as Squad Leader (which is most of the time, I find) then PR works well for me.

But I expect what it gives me and don't expect anything else from it. PR is a war simulator first, shooter second, I think (albeit with a whole bunch of game-oriented aspects to it). ArmA even more so.


Staff member
What do we think of Insurgency? Was there a reason that one fell off the radar? I haven't got PR or ArmA, but I'd be happy to play Insurgency. It would even be free for anyone who owns a source based game. Does anyone not own a source based game? :p


Staff member
downloaded the latest PR yesterday, haven't installed it yet. Be on xfire.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
INS was a bit rough round the edges last I played, but they've done about three releases since so I don't doubt it's a bunch tighter. It's a smaller-scale game than ArmA and PR but does a fair job of MOUT and/or CQB.

I'll grab it when I'm home next and give people a shout.


Well-Known Member
I've been playing a bit of INS and it's very polished. Much moreso than the first release.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
downloaded the latest PR yesterday, haven't installed it yet. Be on xfire.

I'm having shoes with Xfire and PR so what I'll do is fire up MSN when I'm playing and manually write in the game I'm on when I'm playing.

Otherwise, be happy to see you on the battlefield! :)


Staff member
How about tonight? I have time if it isn't absurdly late.

edit: we could also play this without RS if he's away somewhere without a decent connection. So get dl'ing, Haven... :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yeah, I'm still on site so poor connection (and away from my BF2 DVD, but that's an easier thing to fix). I'll be (much?) more available for PR towards the end of next week and perhaps a bit over this weekend.


Staff member
Ah well, next week is when school proper starts again, so no late evenings for me then, methinks. And this weekend, well, lots of people graduating and having parties, so prolly not... no good 3g mobile broadband in the uk?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The latency is terrible, unfortunately. Not even slightly game worthy. At least not on the package/supplier I have.

Fear not. We'll get something sorted. I'm having a couple of busy weeks but that should calm down.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've been playing a bit of INS and it's very polished. Much moreso than the first release.

Indeed it is. I've grabbed the updated INS and it plays much more fluidly. I think the map design has been improved, especially around the location of capture zones.