Promethius demands a little abuse!


Staff member
Just a quick reminder for those who haven't figure it out yet :)

We have at our disposal a true dual core AMD server with 4GB of ram sat on a 100mbit connection ... and we are not thrashing the crap out of it.

I don't know about the rest of you but that offends me on many levels.

Lets runs some games people!


In Cryo Sleep
oooooo radio! god I miss doing my shows. As of next week il be hooked up and ready to rock and roll again!


Well-Known Member
We just need a good game that demands a server and it shall be thrashed more than an Irish wife. (T-Bone got those jokes into my head :()


Junior Administrator
Can we have a trackmania server going possibly. I know a few guys played a little and it would be a really cool thing to have lieing about the place, with good maps on it. Its fairly unintrusive tbh for a beast such as that and bob would love you forever and ever.


Junior Administrator
I'd support a UT (original) server, reading tetsuo and Iron_fist's posts reminded me how awesome the original game really was. Do I feel an event coming on??