Promoting [THN] ??



Well I think THN is a great community! But I think we are really laking in numbers? I know its not about numbers, but I would like to see more traffic coming through here, more people to talk to on the forums etc and overall increasing THN's staus in the GAMING and community world?

So how do you think we should go about promoting THN to others?

What do you think would be a good idea to let others know about THN so they don't miss out on us?


In Cryo Sleep
well yes but on some game servers its not aloowed to promote ur own clan, but goodidea, we should start do do that :D


I am not talking about just on servers, I am talking in general, e.g

google, clanpages, other forums, tech sites, etc THN banners all over the place :D


In Cryo Sleep
lol, spam the world with [THN], il be walking dow nthe road oneday then ill see a graff saying [THN], that owuld be a funny day


In Cryo Sleep
we could just put link everywhere we have access to that dosent cost for ad space!! word of mouth is the best!!! im sure we cover a large prop of gamming worlds and could spread the word!

Fuzzy Bunny

Try sticking a link to THN in your signatures on other forums. And maybe add a slogan too ;)

Pestcontrol and haven did that over at BCG, and Pestcontrol has advertised the THN Teamspeak server a few times as well.

I'd recommend that you don't join a forum just to promote THN (or anything else for that matter) since that would be fairly annoying to the normal users.


New Member
Fuzzy Bunny said:
Try sticking a link to THN in your signatures on other forums. And maybe add a slogan too ;)

I do that on the project reality site. Big, orange letters...


Junior Administrator
I try to promote THN whereever I can, and I've already managed to stir up some interest in people that wouldn't normally come. Also, in my signature over in the PC Gamer UK forums there are multiple THN links, and once the comedy starts really producing things then I'll start actively promoting THN as a community (because I'll have things to cite as achievements on the part of THN.)


Staff member
How did you hear about TheHavenNet ?

Think back and remember how you came to know about us. I'm betting that for 90% of you it was word of mouth either via a friend or in-game chat. Everyone I have personally introduced to THN have been introduced via this method. If you are playing in-game (doesn't matter which one) and you meet someone particularly nice and friendly then drop them the URL and let them know that they are fun to play with and would fit right in - promotion is as simple as that really.

If every active member introduced one new person into THN over the course of a month then we'd have doubled our active population and hopefully a good few of the new members would remain active for the forseeable future (from exeperince assume between 20% and 40% will stay on long term i.e. a year or more).

Of course with growth we will need more admins/moderators so get people involved in those areas where there is interest as well and help keep this a friendly and well mannered community.

Events are another good promotional resource - if we are running a particular event (alienswarm being a good example) then we can easily advertise in communities interested in that particular game. Over time we build a reputation for running fun sessions and people come back for more. The catch to this is that we need people who are prepared to buff up their elite linux skills (no I'm not typing that in elite speak so dont ask :)) and help run these events. If you know of anyone who is reliable and motivated then get them involved so we can make the most of the server resources we have.

None of the above happens by itself, but neither does it require a great deal of effort. Our future is in your hands *shudders :P*.


New Member
haven said:
How did you hear about TheHavenNet ?

Me, Gopha and some mates tried to start our own BF2 clan, but it failed miserably :(

I invited Gibson to join it, thats how we know each other. After the 'clan' went down, he told me about [THN], so I had a look at the website and joined up. The rest is history.


Junior Administrator
haven said:
How did you hear about TheHavenNet ?

Ah yes, I've got to admit that I did indeed come to THN through word of mouth. For about a year before I joined (which was back in June) I knew most of the happenings of THN through the weekly meetings of the west Glasgow branch of THN (that's me, T-Bone, KC and Hotstuff) for discussion of the latest NS happenings. And so I eventually joined because of the fact I was bestowed internet access, and this was one of my first places to visit. I've been here ever since :D

Ahem... back on track. Yes, I agree totally with what haven said, and given that we've got no shortage of gaming events on the horizon I think it's definitely going to be one of our main sources of recruitment - we just need to get word of mouth going!​

Fuzzy Bunny

haven said:
How did you hear about TheHavenNet ?
From an Alien Swarm event awhile back. Pestcontrol made a post over at BCG saying that one would need to sign up for the event over at the THN forums in order to participate, so I did :)