Proposal for new guild organisational structure


Well-Known Member
For a while now we've been trying to encourage people to join the forums when they join the guild, something that has not been met with much joy so far, so it's time for a bit of a clamp-down on the matter. Between things that myself, haven, duren, and others have said, I've thought up a possible new system for the guild to operate by, and -as with most changes I'd wish to make- I want to bounce it off everyone else before I consider implementing it.

The new system focuses on the ranks within the guild. I think the ranks as they are are just fine, but what they mean and how to atain them should change. After a little thinking (not a lot of thinking; that would just hurt my poor little brain), this is the new system so far:

Initiate : this is the rank that everyone starts at upon entering the guild. Whilst they are still a part of the guild, they will be the last ones to be picked for instance runs and raids, and will essentially be the lowest priority in the guild for most anything - this does not mean ignore or exclude them in any way, it just means that the higher ranks should get attention first.

Member : this rank is instantaneoulsy attained upon signing up to the forums and activating the forum account (we could ask that all new members make a post in a sticky "welcome to the guild" thread, so we can identify them when they join). Members have a higher priority in being picked for raids and instance runs. This is the highest rank that can be attained without forum membership.

Veteran : this rank is attained after being in the guild with an active forum account for a couple of weeks, and have and use Teamspeak (they don't need to talk, just having it and using it occasionally is enough, if only to listen). Veterans and above get first priority when we're picking people for raids and instanced. Veterans are also the lowest rank allowed access to the guild bank. Other possible benefits would be getting a DKP bonus upon reachin Veteran rank (this can be decided upon when we start raiding properly).

Officer : this rank is attained having been a Veteran for a substantial amount of time, and having proven themselves to be a good and reliable member of the guild. Being able to speak on Teamspeak should be a given for Officers.

Captains : this rank will only be given to those who are seriously worthy of it, and they run the guild when I'm not around (and those of you who are captain have done a splendid job so far, I might add). I doubt that I'll be making any more captains any time soon, with one or two possible exceptions. I certainly will never make someone into a captain if they don't talk on Teamspeak at least reasonably regularly. Captains will be relied upon to assist in the running of instance runs, raids, and other major events for the guild.

Might have to bump one or two existing members of the guild down a rank or two if they don't sign up to the forums soon, just to make sure everything fits the above model.

So... opinions?


In Cryo Sleep
Pretty much except I think really NO ONE should be able to get Member status until signed up on the forums. I think this will really make poeple want to sign up. I also think that veteran aswell as having been there for a while needs to have TS even if they can't/don't want to talk.

Everything else sound tickety boo.

I also really think we need an alternative way for the usergroups to work...see THIS POST for details.


Staff member
Looks good with T-Bones addition, I would also restrict access so that veteran and above requires teamspeak (i.e. not optional) whereas member requires forum access (again not optional).


Well-Known Member
Fair enough; I was being a little lenient, I suppose... I'll change it now.

Edit: I also strongly agree with T-Bone's comments on the usergroups.


In Cryo Sleep
Looks good with T-Bones addition, I would also restrict access so that veteran and above requires teamspeak (i.e. not optional) whereas member requires forum access (again not optional).

Yeah, I meant that about veteran aswell. I.E. Unless you have teamspeak and use it, even if you can't/don't want to speak, you cannot go about the rank of member.

Also, are we defiantely keeping the ranks the way they are? I have no suggestiosn for alternatives personally atm but just wondered if anyone else has any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I figured working with what we have at the moment would be a start; I could make more ranks later if necessary (unless anyone has any brilliant suggestions already)


Well-Known Member
Seeing as there have been no negative comments about this plan, I've thought about implementing it starting today; myself and the captains (and any officers who feel up to it) should start pestering people to sign up to the forums and make a psot int he newbie thread. Also, we should pester people who have signed up but not yet posted to post in the thread, so we can more easily keep track of them.

By the end of the day, I may will start demoting anyone online who hasn't signed up to the forums. A day or two after that, I'll demote everyone - regardless of whether or not they are online - who I can't confirm as having signed up.

I'll be checking back to the forums quite frequently today, so if you need to get my attention, shout here if I'm not in game.


Staff member
Add a users forum name in ther officers note please, that way we can track users.


In Cryo Sleep
If we do that we will need to get rid of the "Inivited by X for Y" system that exists now.


Well-Known Member
Not entirely; until someone joins the forums, their officer note can be "invited by X" or "invited by X for Y", and when they sign up properly, they become "<name> @ THN", possibly with "inv'd by X" after it until they reach Veteran.

If someone consistently invites people who never bother signing up, we can tell (and we can tell who invited them if they exhibit bad behaviour until they reach Veteran, which they normally won't reach if they're a dick).