

So i wos just wonderin if anyone is gettin a PS3 ive already pre-ordered mine from woolworths paying £495 with two games Motorstorm - and Resistance: Fall Of Man -
Tell me guys wot do you think? And if your getting one or planing to get one. In the end its a better deal than the 360 and the comparason is very good tho some are the same And TBH im only realy gettin a PS3 for one thing MGS4 - i love the series and im happy to hear Konami are planing to make a MGS film theres more on this link sayin more about it and others planned to. : )


In Cryo Sleep
For £500? Not likely for the following reasons:

1. I'm not paying the vastly inflated prices that Sony are charging just because we live in the UK. Whay can't we have parity with the US?
2. I could buy an 8800-series GPU for less than that which would run rings around the PS3.
3. Blu-Ray? Forget it. First, I'm not forking out for a HD TV and second, it could end up being a white elephant and I've no need for one in my PC (I have enough trouble finding enough data to fill a normal DVD and I wouldn't want to store all my data on one disc in case it got damaged).
4. It's made by Sony - I hate them, I hate them all, I hate every last one of them.....

Does that answer your question :D


You have to consider the extra things you get blue-ray free internet browsing and everything else included unlike the 360 were you have to buy everything like the HDDVD player drive and the HDD is only 20gb it doesnt last long. Plus a load of other stuff to do with connectivity to other things like the psp by Wi-fi. But like i said before im realy only interested in MGS4 and from what ive hurd they cant bring it out on the 360 because Hideo Kojima says they are planing to fill the whole blue-rey disc up witch is 50-60gb i cant remember but it would have to be put across a load of disks for the 360 not worth it realy. But people are expecting those long and plentyful cut scenes. :)


In Cryo Sleep
What puzzles me is where the extra 40GB of stuff on a Blu-Ray disc is going to come from. Whatever it is it'll have to be cheap otherwise the disc will end up costing £60-£70.


In Cryo Sleep
Originally, I was planning to buy a PS3 but then I saw the launch line up and price and forced myself to bang my head off a brick wall until my skull fractured.

The only reason I'd buy a PS3 is for Gran Turismo, but I'm thinking that Forza 2 on the 360 will probably do the same job, if not better than.

I don't want to dampen your spirits, hopes and dreams so if you think you'll enojy the PS3 then go for it; but the 360 is cheaper, tried and tested and already has a half decent catalogue of games.


Well Tetsuo my bro has a 360 so theres no real point in having 2 of em tbh i get sick of it freezing when using the side menus and stuff especially when ur in mid game!boils me so much so i gave up on it and its online abilities the bast game for it woz SFII the DLably arcade game well worth it. :)


Staff member
You have to consider the extra things you get blue-ray free internet browsing and everything else included unlike the 360 were you have to buy everything like the HDDVD player drive and the HDD is only 20gb it doesnt last long.
Still don't think that makes up for the huge price. Besides, I'm not interested in hi-def DVDs quite yet (and frankly, I'd say blu-ray is the losing format.) And free internet browsing? meh. That's what a computer is for, and it's much better suited to it...

Anyway, I was curious about numbers. So I went to and got some.

Yay numbers! :D

PS3 w/60GB HD + 3 games + 1 controller = £524.99

XBox 360 w/20GB HD + 1 game + 2 controllers + headset = £289.99
HD-DVD player = £129.99
xbox total: £419.98

That's still £100 difference... But they each come with different stuff.
So, assuming new games cost £40, that brings the xbox up to around £500 to match the 3 games with the ps3.

But the PS3 only had one controller. doesn't seem to sell official ones yet, but we can assume around £25 for a controller, I think. PS3 is up to £550. Headsets aren't available either, we'll make a conservative guess of £10.

Final totals:
PS3: £560
XBox360: £500

That's still quite a difference. And for those of us who could do without an HD-DVD player (probably most of us...) the difference will be a no-brainer.


Yea but the 360 costs either £5 a month of £35-40 a year for online play ps3 is free and they xboxes cost will over take the ps3s in a 2-3 years. But anyways im sick of argueing now but im gettin one anyways MGS4 is all i want ive said a million times and its not goin on 360 there cos they are filling the whole blu-ray disc! :)


Active Member
Final totals:
PS3: £560
XBox360: £500

But that's with the 360 only having 20GB of hard drive space. Buying 2 of the additional 20GB hard drives from @ £64.99 each puts the 360 total up to £635.

If you're going to increase the PS3 price to be "like-for-like" with the 360, you should also do the same the other way round.

I probably won't be getting a PS3 any time soon, but then I'm also not interested in getting a 360 or a Wii at the moment either. If I do get a new console, my decision will be based on the games, and, given that I have a huge stack of PS2 (and still some PS1) games, the backwards compatibility of the PS3 gives it the edge for me. Not that I'd pay upwards of £500 for a machine to play those games on when my PS2 plays them perfectly. :p


...I probably won't be getting a PS3 any time soon, but then I'm also not interested in getting a 360 or a Wii at the moment either. If I do get a new console, my decision will be based on the games...

See now, the Wii games and price did it for me. I might get a 360, either due to Halo 3 being just for that, or if the price comes down and I can still play XBox games on it. But so not getting one soon as it's still expensive to me. As for the PS3, £500ish for a console is just silly in my mind. It shouldn't be that much. Really. I mean, that's getting into the hardcore gaming area. I could buy a nice new CPU, graphics card, and PSU to power them for that much...


Im telling you the online for the 360 is pretty crap unless its with friends. And all teh americans think there so mint and argue with almost all the brits so theres normally a massive arguement mid game and if ff is on maybe some teamkilling. seriously u pay for the net and to pay extra to play with friends on games is stupid, atleast the ps3 is free unless the game developers decide to charge you for thet game only to play online but i recon they will be MMORPG style games.


NO my poitn woz that having to pay to play the 360 online woz crap unless u had mates cos everyone especially amricans are arseholes tho there are a few nice ppl and vary rarely nice americans. but to be honest im bored of this thread now. :) lol id rather talk about mgs or summit


In Cryo Sleep
Well I own a 360 and I can see some reasons why I would still rather go with a 360:

1. Games - Microsoft has Halo 3 and others which the PS3 really cant compare to yet in terms of online popularity

2. Xbox live - Tried and tested and the old arcade games are good fun :) Sony's online service is new and if I remember correctly the network play for the PS2 was a major flop

3. The price - already explained

4. Optional add-ons - Mostly explained in terms of you dont have to pay for certain things such as HD-DVD or Blu-ray which brings the price down

4. Cross over games - Soon there will be certain games that will allow Vista games to be played online with 360 versions of the game

5. Doesn't try to be a PC - The 360 still acts as a console whereas Sony seem to want to make the PS3 a PC with the amount of power and price (Anyone remember the web browser on the Sega Dreamcast?)


The only reason your supporting the 360 so much is because you baught one alex and have played it loads plus theres such games as Killzone 2 and MGS4 to come and they'll be bigger than halo cos halo is actually shit. And we get other lagendary games and charecters to like Tekken and Crash Bandicoot (however its spelt) for instant and some others. And the ps2 network thing wernt so gud cos the ps2 came out b4 the x-box and hadnt realy considered it that much. But there will be online arcade games and other things on the ps3 infact theres full games from the ps2 and stuff on there and not just old arcade games.


In Cryo Sleep
I really don't care tbh which one I 'support' its a games console at the end of the day which plays games and if the 360 still has some decent games after the PS3 is out then I'm happy.


In Cryo Sleep
All that needs to be said is...

Mega Drive > N64 > Wii > SNES > NES > Dreamcast > PS2 > Gamecube > X-Box 360 > X-Box > PS3