Puzzle Post I - 000


In Cryo Sleep
Okay, the aim of the game is to take 3 identical numbers from 0 - 9 and make them equal 24, using any functions and dodgy manipulations you like!



0! = 1 apply to all zeroes

1/0.11111... = 9 use my first two digits, arbitrarily changing a 1 it into 0.1 recurring

Sqrt9 = 3

3 + 1 = 4 adding my final digit

4! = 24 taking a cheeky factorial

Sorted :).

Zero is a good example of the sneaky things you can do :D.

I can do it for all of them except 7 (the hardest one :rolleyes:), which I'm about to start on!

Why don't you post up yours with ye olde spoiler tags and we'll see how you guys do the others!

This post may seem a little confusing, which it is! So feel free to ask any questions about the rules!


OMG i'm tottaly confused :( i dont have a clue about what you just did!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
How arbitrary can I get with my "manipulations"? Can I, for instance, get away with:


7 == 24

Therefore 7 + 7 - 7 = 24

Or is that just plain ol' cheating?


In Cryo Sleep
Lol, I thought I'd explained it badly!

What you have to do is take 3 of the same number, e.g. 1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3.

Then you have to mess around with them until they make 24!

Example: 888

8+8+8 =24

Done :).

If we stick with 8 as an example, there are all sorts of things a you can do to the numbers so long as it's still an 8 before you maniplute.

You could change the 8 into 0.8, or 8000 or 0.888888888888...

So long as it's still in 8 form before you muliply/divide/add/subtract/raise to the power/factor etc :D.

Is that a bit better?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hmm, or maybe I could do the 7's one this way.


0x77 / 0x7 = 0x11 (convert to hex for a moment)

0x11 = 17 (convert back to decimal)

17 + 7 = 24 (cheat by using one of my sevens again)

That feels much less like cheating. :)


In Cryo Sleep
That's just plain old cheating Ronin!

Play to the spirit of the game :p.

The reply to Missy might help clarify what you can do :D.

Added after Ronin's second post.

Omg, you are such a cheater! Don't use hexadecimals I know nothing about them :S.


Staff member
No doubt I'm breaking the rules here, but...

5[sup]2[/sup] = 25 That 2 is the part I'm worried about, not allowed to bring that in, am I?

25 - (5[sup]0.000000000...0000000005[/sup])
I think that almost equals 24... ;)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Well, you could do it the programmer's way. How about a little bitshifting?


5 = 101 (in binary)

101 shifts right to 010 (drop the digit)

010 shifts left to 100

100 = 4 (binary back to decimal)

Repeat for one of the other 5's.

5 * 4 + 4 = 24 (remembering that multiplication occurs before addition)

I think that shifting might be dodgy, though. ;)


Here are mine:

  • 2's

    2 + 20 // First digit add second digit made into a 20
    22 + 2 = 24 // Add third digit
  • 3's

    3 ^ 3 = 27 // First two digits
    27 - 3 = 24 // Last digit
  • 4's

    4! = 24 // Applied to all digits
    24 + 24 - 24 = 24 // *Ahem*
  • 6's
    6 x 6 = 36 // First 2 digits
    36 x 0.66666666 = 24 // Third digit as a recuring fraction
  • 9's
    Sqrt(9) = 3 // First digit
    9 / 9 = 1 // Second and third
    3 + 1 = 4 // I sh*t you not!
    4! = 24 // Thanks for the first post for making me think of this :D

0 is shown above.
1 is a variation on the 0's.
8 is shown above and is easy =/

Will post 5's and 7's when I've done them.

Edit - added the new numbers.


Right, got the 5's and 6's:

  • 5's
    5! = 120 // First digit
    120 / 5 = 24 // Second digit
    24 + 0.000000005 = 24.000000005 // Third digit
    Round to nearest whole number = 24 // :D
  • 6's
    6 x 6 = 36 // First 2 digits
    36 x 0.66666666 = 24 // Third digit as a recuring fraction

Hope those are ok! :D

Edit - fixed tages


Just got the 5s, haven't looked at thatblokes, so we shall see!

  • 5's
    5 - 1/5 = 4.8 // First 2 digits, one inverted
    4.8 * 5 = 24 // Last digit

Again, is this ok? :D

Edit - Just realised how easy 9's are:

  • 9's
    Sqrt(9) = 3 // First digit
    9 / 9 = 1 // Second and third
    3 + 1 = 4 // I sh*t you not!
    4! = 24 // Thanks for the first post for making me think of this :D

Edit2 - Just to say I've added 6's and 9's to my original post :)


Junior Administrator
i apologise for not using the clever spoiler thing dunno how being a dumb arse.

ok not sure if this is cheating or not but u guys seem to be using powers not related to the numbers. so lets use logs for this bad boy.
kk check it.
so u need 10 next chunk is purely to find the required power, i'm not using the 10 just there for manipulation.
thus 7^x=10
so xln7=ln10
so 7^1.183294662=10
10+14 =24

not sure if u call that cheating or what but if u can do powers of 2 then y not ln10/ln7

will work on a better way for u at some point

[mod] I went ahead and put in the spoiler tags for you bob :). For Future reference the tags are spoiler.... /spoiler (In the usual square brackets) --- Macca [/mod]


Here's one for 777. I'm not sure if it's legitimate or not.

Take the three 7's and enter them as the elements of a diagonal 3x3 matrix thus:

[7 0 0]
[0 7 0]
[0 0 7]

This matrix's trace is given as the sum of its diagonal elements which is equal to 7 + 7 + 7 =21. The matrix's rank (number of linearly independent rows) is equal to 3.
