PvP - good or gankfest?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've been vaguely wondering about occasionally playing on one of the PvP servers, but I'm a bit concerned that there might be a lot of ganking. In my head, I'm trying to liken PvP in WoW with a game such as Planetside, but the difference in power between levels is quite staggering. At least in Planetside you could still kill Battle Rank 20 troopers with your newbie weapons, you just weren't so versatile...

Anyone tried out the PvP? Got any feelings on it?


Staff member
Played briefly on one of the RPG PvP servers and had no problems at all - people were actively helping me more than they did on the pure RPG servers. If my experience was the norm then I'd say you get the best of all worlds i.e. roleplay and complete freedom to act and do as you like. Its only the fact that everyone seems to be on Argent Dawn that made me switch.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Well experienced my first bit of PVP/raid last night at the Crossroads in the Barrens, with the new guild im with (Slayers of the Horde) and it was definetly interesting :).

Managed to get 16HKs a mixture of levels until it got to one point where all I could see was 20 Horde running at me with a warrior Tauren lvl?? in the lead. All I could think was O S**T :)

Was nice though that you could run away and switch pvp off rather than worrying about it all the time.


Junior Administrator
Ok so having only ever played on PvP servers in WoW, I can tell you I think I would much prefer it to PvE (be that an RP server or not). Simply put, there is much more scope for teamwork in here. I can't say ganking doesnt happen, because it does, though it is never something i do unless i'm started on or its gonna be a fair fight!

Now doing raids with an organised guild is damn good fun. Tarren Mill was our usual destination, managed quite a few HKs up there! :)

Gankfest central is in Stanglethorn Vale. Its the first crunch point but in my experience most (though not all) are busy concentrating on quests, etc in this area so for the most part you will be left alone, and if you do get ganked, because the arena is there all you need to do is whack out a call in the local defense channel and theres always a high lvl 60 hanging around the arena after the gurubashi treasure who will come help.

It is a different way of playing this game but then everyone has their own definition of fun! :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Nanor yeah it was Argent Dawn :) last night about 8ish I think.

As for Stranglethorn vale.... it was funny last night as we were waiting for the boat to raid Xroads a tauren came up pvp enabled at lvl 16 A bunch of lvl 60s were around and a hunter killed her with one shot and the guards didn't bat an eyelid.

She came back tried to get on the boat and died again. She finally got on and one of the guys I was with killed her on the boat :( very harsh.


Well-Known Member
God, the amount of times Tarren Mil has been raided on AD. One time we counter attacked, and so nearly won..


In Cryo Sleep
its PVP all the way for me. yea u do get ganked a bit but there is so much more than that