It is sexy time personified, if thats the right word.
Additional factions:
- British Army
- Royal Navy
- Insurgents
- Militia
Additional Land Vehicles:
- Saxon APC (GB)
- Modified HMMWV's (US)
- Land Rover (GB)
Additional Aircraft:
- F16C Falcon(US)
- A-10 Thunderbolt (US)
Additional Helicopters:
- Merlin HC3 (GB)
- MH-6 Littlebird (US)
Additional Wepons:
- M16A2 Mk12 (US)
- M14 DMR
- M136AT4 (US)
- Mk153 SMAW (US)
- FIM-92A Stinger (US)
- L119A1 (GB)
- L85A2 (GB)
- L108A1 Minimi (GB)
- L115A1 Sniper Rifle (GB)
- Benelli M4 (GB)
- MP7A1 (GB)
- LAW 80 (GB)
- RPG 7-V (MEC, Insurgents)
- SA-7 Grail (MEC)
- FN SCAR-H (Insurgents)
- Remington 870 (Insurgents)
A brief summary of the class system:
At designated supply points (Main base flag, rear of a friendly APC, Rally points and supply crates), you may request a special kit, all of which give you different weapons and abilities. However, in order to request a kit, you MUST be in a squad and, with most of the kits, that squad must have at least 4 members. The kits that you can request are:
Support kit
* Knife
* Support Weapon (400 rounds)
* Fragmentation Grenade x 2
* Field Dressing x 1
* Body Armor
Sniper Kit
* Knife
* Pistol (2+1 magazines)
* Bolt-Action Rifle (40 rounds)
* Smoke Grenade x 1
* Binoculars
* Field Dressing x 1
* No Body Armor
Designated Marksmen Kit:
* Knife
* Pistol (2+1 magazines)
* Precision Rifle (60 rounds)
* Fragmentation Grenade x 2
* Smoke Grenade x 1
* Binoculars
* Night vision goggles
* Field Dressing x 1
* Body Armor
Heavy Anti-Tank Kit
* Knife
* Pistol (4+1 magazines)
* Heavy AT Weapon with 2 rounds
* Binoculars
* Field Dressing x 1
* Body Armor
Anti-Air Rifleman Kit
* Knife
* Assault Rifle with open sights (6+1 magazines)
* Shoulder fired AA weapon with 3 rounds
* Smoke Grenade x 1
* Field Dressing x 1
* Body Armor
Officer kit
* Knife
* Pistol
* Assault Rifle (8+1 magazines)
* Fragmentation Grenade x 2
* Signal Grenade x 3
* Field Dressing x 3
* Body Armor
You can also request a pilot kit and a crewman kit.
All of these kits are limited, by which I mean that you may only have so many of each on your team. The number of kits that can be allocated to a team depend on how many players the team has. Also, you only have that kit whilst you are alive. Once you die, you lose the kit. You must then wait for a minimum of 3 minutes before requesting a new kit. In order to equip the kit, you must first request it, then wait until the quartemaster says to you 'I've allocated your kit'. It will then appear as a kitbag at your feet. Just press the use button and your soldier will swap kits.
I can't think of anything else to say, apart from the fact that this game really is the dog's equipment.