Quests and Instances for lower level characters


New Member
This thead is directed at the lower level characters out there, ie: levels 1 to 25.
Post up here if there are any Quests or Instances you want to try out with friends around you for backup.
Or even any areas you wish to visit with some company.

I do fancy getting stuck into the Wailing caverns - The Barrens, or maybe even Shadowfang keep - Silverpine forest.

We probably need to be level 15 at least for these quests.

I have not considered any Instances yet, mainly because they need organising properly.

Post up your thoughts/requests.....


Well-Known Member
Instances with other random people in the server are pretty easy to organise. It's just usually a case of typing "LFG (looking for group) for WC/SFK(Wailing Caverns/Shadowfang Keep)". You will usually get a group providing there is enough interest.

The disadvantage of this is, if you want something said, you'll have to type it and perhaps the people you are playing with won't be that great and will just mess about because they know there are no conseqeunces.

Organising events with the THN crew could be slightly more troublesome. You'll have to organise a date and a time when everyone is available.

The advantage however is you can all hop on teamspeak and chat away without ever needing to type a message. Also, people will think of the consequences. If they act like a nub ingame, they get treated as one outside of a game.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
The other way to do it Twisto is to have a higher level help you go through the instance.

It tends to be faster and you get more loot it's just not as tense (which can sometimes be fun)

If you find a good group all at your level it can make instances wicked.