R.I.P my good friend


Junior Administrator
This is a short eulogy for a good friend of mine, his name was bruno and on sunday my sister drove him up a verge and rolled him into a blackberry bush. bruno was my car, a perfect condition 20 yr old mini mayfair with only 21000 miles. I inherited him from my granny who passed away 3 years ago so there was alot of sentimental value. I just wanted to put some pics of him here so u can all grieve my lose with me.

imagine him with out any windows left with the front squashed
ahhhhh good times

so now unforetunately i have no car. cut me deep, i'm just looking for sympathy.:( :( :( :( :( :(


Well, it sounds like friendly fire to me, Pia, like jet bombing Alpha Squad. So I would guess dead dead.


Junior Administrator
unforetunately he is well and truely dead. tis very sad thanks for all ur kind words. :)
Although mum and sister have both offered to start playing the lottery so i can get another mini. i'm thinking they can just give me a pound a week for the next 30 yrs and i'll have enough. ah well probably good thing not having car at uni anyway, and means mum has a bit more money to do stuff to new house, preferably buy a large TV.
*sniffle must look on the bright side*