


Whats your first impressions? (If your trying it.)

I personally think its fun, but with no tutorial, you spend most of the time guessing what to do, gameplay is..alright, you build bases around your HQ (Barracks, Airfield, etc.) and then make units (in the common RTS style.), your money runs out fast (unless you SPAM capture supply depots and re-enforce with a gun emplacement, of witch dies EASY.), your best bet is to just spam high performance tanks and have a couple of infantary, MAYBe a AA gun or two to protect against Aircraft.

But i can see this game being slow to get popular untill people learn to play.


There is useally a quick "This is control" thing, like AVP had basic controls.


Demo is basicly Beta. =/ They are both early builds subject to changes.


Staff member
Demo is basicly Beta. =/ They are both early builds subject to changes.
Not necessarily. Demos are often the final build of a game, and in some cases not released until after the game comes out...

Betas are released to test a specific subset of features or content... For instance to get a feel for how intuitive the game is if players jump in without a tutorial. :D


99% of Demo's ive seen have been before the game comes out and with "This is not the finished version" on the title screen or on a screen before that.


Staff member
That's nice. Only 14% of demos I've played were pre-release versions.

Still doesn't change the fact that a beta and a demo serve completely different purposes.


Active Member
+1 to the demo/beta split.

Also have to agree with PsiSoldier - not really enjoying it.

What happened to classic RTS with base building and meatgrinder style combat?

That and WWII is so cliché now it's not even funny.


It wasnt designed to be the generic "Hai, build a base and spam an army" RTS style, this really is a unique style of game, bit like Total War and Mark of Chaos.

It only really clicks to a certain audience.


Well-Known Member
It wasnt designed to be the generic "Hai, build a base and spam an army" RTS style, this really is a unique style of game, bit like Total War and Mark of Chaos.

It only really clicks to a certain audience.

thats exactly what it is.

something like Men of War is an rts that 'only clicks with a certain audience', this is as generic and casual as you can get.

when you look at it, there is nothing that makes ruse unique. ruses are just 'general powers' with a different name and most of which are so blindingly obvious to the enemy (i'm looking at you, fake assault) that they are just not worth using, except for maybe clogging the enemy defences up. the factions have very little variation (i was surprised how little they had incorperated of each nations strengths/weaknesses).

the mechanics of the game and unit balancing make me want to cry. in every game i've played, infantry have played no role at all, and tanks very little. the main focus of each player was to create an unweatherable hail of artillery fire.

in my opinion, something like company of heroes does everything this does, but better, while looking a lot nicer at that. it is one of the first games that i have played -that i can remember- that has the panhard in it, though :p.

also, how is it like total war?


thats exactly what it is.

something like Men of War is an rts that 'only clicks with a certain audience', this is as generic and casual as you can get.

when you look at it, there is nothing that makes ruse unique. ruses are just 'general powers' with a different name and most of which are so blindingly obvious to the enemy (i'm looking at you, fake assault) that they are just not worth using, except for maybe clogging the enemy defences up. the factions have very little variation (i was surprised how little they had incorperated of each nations strengths/weaknesses).

the mechanics of the game and unit balancing make me want to cry. in every game i've played, infantry have played no role at all, and tanks very little. the main focus of each player was to create an unweatherable hail of artillery fire.

in my opinion, something like company of heroes does everything this does, but better, while looking a lot nicer at that. it is one of the first games that i have played -that i can remember- that has the panhard in it, though :p.

also, how is it like total war?

Most RTS's give you a battlefield, and a large sum of resources that let you spam a massive army, and just slug it out till the other dies.

This one, you have a small amount of resources, and most units use alot of resources to build, so..yeah. Its not really part of the generic RTS's style, where 99% of the time its the idea of "Whoever can rush first, wins."

And if you had read my post properly, you would of seen:

this really is a unique style of game, bit like Total War and Mark of Chaos.

Never said it was like Total War in the sense of gameplay, i said it was like it because its not a clone of other RTS's.


Active Member
Quantity of resources and quantity of units is mutable in all RTS, and the best ones allow you to set the caps manually before each game (*cough* TA *cough*).

Giving the players 'super powers' which are necessary to win the day is indicative of the game being unbalanced/boring without them (*cough* C&C *cough*).

As for Company of Heroes being alltogether more fun, involving and better looking - aye, i agree wholeheartedly. Some of the best RTS nowadays are moving away from the base building spam of yester-year, and i'd say that CoH and Dawn Of War 2 are up there in my favs.