So there I was feeling really pretty fed-up with work and in need of a light, amusing game to cheer me up. I was planning on grabbing a copy of Shadowgrounds, but it hadn't been released on Steam yet, so while I was browsing my eyes returned to Rag Doll Kung Fu (RDKF).
I grabbed the demo and gave it a whirl.
For those unfamiliar, RDKF is a fighting game with a novel twist: the character's motions are controlled purely by you dragging their limbs and left or right clicking to perform actions with the limb nearest your mouse point. You can throw you character around, make them boogie, or perform all manner of weird and wonderful kung fu-esque attacks.
It takes a little getting used to, but within half an hour I felt like I had a handle on all the basic controls and was merrily leaping around the screen in a vain attempt to kick the smelly ninjas.
The story/training mode takes you through the essentials of striking, gathering stuff to power yourself up temporarily, using weapons, healing your self, leaping around like a maniac and so on. I've not quite completed the story mode yet (just one more level to unlock) but I was sufficiently enamoured of the game to buy it. For all of 11 GBP (approx) I found the amusement well worth it.
One of people's main criticsms of the game, from what I've read, is that it is very brief. As a game, that's probably true. I think that I could go and complete the story today and be done with it. As a toy, however, I think it has much more potential for just random bashing, leaping around, finding your own amusing fighting style (I seem to be a Head-Butt Master
It's light hearted, it has amusing cut sequences done in a send-up of crappy kung fu flicks, it even has an oriental master with amusing oriental master noises. The ninjas smell of wee (wii?), mushrooms make you fly, and nunchakas whirl in wild abandon. It even has great words of wisdom:
"Never flick the testicles of an ape, for an angry ape will pummel your face."
What more could you want?
I grabbed the demo and gave it a whirl.
For those unfamiliar, RDKF is a fighting game with a novel twist: the character's motions are controlled purely by you dragging their limbs and left or right clicking to perform actions with the limb nearest your mouse point. You can throw you character around, make them boogie, or perform all manner of weird and wonderful kung fu-esque attacks.
It takes a little getting used to, but within half an hour I felt like I had a handle on all the basic controls and was merrily leaping around the screen in a vain attempt to kick the smelly ninjas.
The story/training mode takes you through the essentials of striking, gathering stuff to power yourself up temporarily, using weapons, healing your self, leaping around like a maniac and so on. I've not quite completed the story mode yet (just one more level to unlock) but I was sufficiently enamoured of the game to buy it. For all of 11 GBP (approx) I found the amusement well worth it.
One of people's main criticsms of the game, from what I've read, is that it is very brief. As a game, that's probably true. I think that I could go and complete the story today and be done with it. As a toy, however, I think it has much more potential for just random bashing, leaping around, finding your own amusing fighting style (I seem to be a Head-Butt Master
It's light hearted, it has amusing cut sequences done in a send-up of crappy kung fu flicks, it even has an oriental master with amusing oriental master noises. The ninjas smell of wee (wii?), mushrooms make you fly, and nunchakas whirl in wild abandon. It even has great words of wisdom:
"Never flick the testicles of an ape, for an angry ape will pummel your face."
What more could you want?