Well-Known Member
Events have been posted for next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please sign up if you're able to attend, but obviously people are a lot busier with IRL stuffz at this time of year (quite rightly!) and therefore be aware that raiding may be called off or limited to easier content depending on who is available and how drunk they are... *hic*... but at the least, we'll try and get the weekly raid quest done for as many people as possible.
Also, don't forget that the first daily random heroic awards emblems of frost, so it's well worth doing at least that one!
If you're not going to be around in-game and harrassing the lolwutarpee'rs in Orgrimmar for Winter Veil like me, then have a great christmas all, and we'll see you soon
Please sign up if you're able to attend, but obviously people are a lot busier with IRL stuffz at this time of year (quite rightly!) and therefore be aware that raiding may be called off or limited to easier content depending on who is available and how drunk they are... *hic*... but at the least, we'll try and get the weekly raid quest done for as many people as possible.
Also, don't forget that the first daily random heroic awards emblems of frost, so it's well worth doing at least that one!
If you're not going to be around in-game and harrassing the lolwutarpee'rs in Orgrimmar for Winter Veil like me, then have a great christmas all, and we'll see you soon