Raid of Darrowshire


In Cryo Sleep
Everyone that is interested in the raid of darrowshire.

I'd like to organise an event where we can have a go at it.

The event will take place on Thursday 16th Nov at 8pm GMT. So if you have any lead ups to the quest it'd be good to get them done now before thursday :)


New Member
I will be there. And I have also completed this chain, so will know what we need to do.

I assume you mean the quest chain that leads upto the Battle of Darrowshire. This end quest can be done with 5 to 7 people easily.


Staff member
Sounds good to me - can you add it to the calendar so I don't forget please.


Junior Administrator
I MAY be around from about 9.30ish if needed. but no guarantees and feel free to start without me (obviously) :D

I still have a pre-quest to do for that anyway...


In Cryo Sleep
I've added this event to the calender get yourself signed up. I'll do this in the future and link it to the thread


In Cryo Sleep
I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out of this event as I've got to spend some time down home with my brother... maybe we can reschedule to another night.

Though I'm tempted to have a weekly quest helper night... how does this sound to everyone? one night a week we help each other with big quests etc.


New Member
I am up for doing this tonight if anybody is interested.
We will need 5 or 6 people in the raid/party, and a healer is a must.
I will shout out around 9pm to see if anybody is interested. The quest should only take up 30 mins of your time, then your free to go.


Junior Administrator
Well after an immense amount of waiting by most parties involved last night this went ahead and was quite fun! :D

And we got 3 items each! not just one...