Raid Report: Friday 7th August


Well-Known Member
Well, practice certainly is making perfect, and the experience we've gained from the last time is certainly showing now, and hopefully will reflect on the two groups when we go back to that again.

We had an unusual bug on Flame Leviathan that counted Freya's tower as being up for the sake of increasing his health and giving him increased resistance to fire damage, but we managed to get him down despite this.

We managed to get the Deconstructor to his hard mode, and then promptly got obliterated, but otherwise we did brilliantly for the rest of the evening; one-shots on every boss past that apart from Vezax (three-shotted, and boy did he get annihilated when he went down), and Hodir (Flash Freeze + Frost Nova issue). Even Mimiron and Freya bit the dust first time round.

The experience of last time has only managed to significantly improve things this time around, and it wasn't just the same group as last time (we had Elincia in Zooggy's place); doubtless, the same will happen when we've divided the group into two and go at it with the two ten-mans, as planned.


New Member
Yeah it was a great run :)
And I had a great time running with you guys :)

Also one question, the continue of this raid is monday? Do I get in again or will I be replaced by Zoogy if he is around?

That was all :)


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, this run was awesome. All but two bosses in Ulduar down in one night, and some other stuff done after that.

We now know that the Northrend Beasts encounter inthe Colliseum should be doable for us, based on the few attempts we had last night (with a very melee-heavy group which, from what I've seen of the encounter, is not the best setup for this fight (more ranged would certainly have helped on the snobolds and might be more useful on the Jormungars as well).

I think we will be able to get most of this down with both groups when we move to 2x10. Are there any potion masters who we can grind the mats for fel mana pots for so we'll be having a supply of them for when we try Vezax again? We didn't need them both times we killed him,but it's a very nice option to have, and I wouldn't mind grinding some of the mats. (Fel mana pots are one of the few items which can restore mana on Vezax. Dark Runes also work.)


Well-Known Member
Elincia: the continuation is on Monday, and since I think we're losing Masia, you'll still get a place, no worries!


In Cryo Sleep
Congratulationments on your Progress guys. Its looking like I might possibly be back soon. Im feeling the draw.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Everything's going great then. ^_^

It'd be good to have the Ting back too. It might make my searching for healers just a little less impossible. >.>

The Naxx 10 run was good so far as I was online too. No major incidents, except from Lideonfail. ;)

Can't wait for the 2x 10mans.

Keep it up. ^_^

Dr Drae


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

the continue of this raid is monday? Do I get in again or will I be replaced by Zoogy if he is around?

I wanted to pipe in on this, as it's a fair question: it's been guild policy for quite some time now that, in continuations, people that were in on the beginning have priority over everyone else, above and beyond order of signups or other considerations, unless very, very special circumstances arise.

I don't expect such special circumstances to arise this Monday. :)

In either case, I'm available on Monday, but think of me as the backup only.
