Well-Known Member
Whilst there mostly haven't been any real issues so far, I thought it best to get this sorted now and hopefully nip any potential problems in the bud. Basically, whilst mods in general are largely a personal choice thing, there ARE a few which are needed for raids, and have been mandatory in guild raids since as far back as early Burning Crusade. Since it's been a long time since this has been stated, and since we have some new faces in our raids, it's about time this was restated, so here goes:
DeadlyBossMods - This is probably the most important mod, and also the only one that we've actually had issues with (or more accurately, issues because of its absence or because of an outdated version being used). This mod is mandatory for ALL raiders, and it needs to be kept up to date. Even if you already have this mod, make sure it's the latest version! As we discovered recently, an even slightly outdated version lacks certain features in fights like Atramedes that can make a noticeable difference. Get it, tinker with the settings as appropriate, and keep it up to date.
Threat Meters : Omen or Skada are good choices, with Omen being the good ol' reliable classic, and Skada is a nice lightweight alternative that includes damage/healing meters (making it a decent alternative to Recount if you don't need the massive in-depth info Recount delivers, or if you need something much lighter). And yes, you DO need this mod even if you're a tank or healer. I don't care if you have a mod that puts % threat warnings in your scrolling combat text, get one of these two now.
Damage Meters : Recount or Skada are the two to look at, with Recount being the better of the two in that it keeps more in-depth information including the contribution of each ability, how much things hit for, crit for, how often they were a crit, and more (often with a wonderful pie chart graphical representation to make it even clearer). Please note that meters are NOT for spamming into channels, they are for observing your performance and working out if you're doing something wrong and how you can improve. And maybe for a slight e-peen extension on occasion...
AtlasLoot : I neither know nor care if there are other mods out there to tell you what drops where; AtlasLoot is the best I've seen and the only one I (and most everyone else) uses, and any raider should have it. Having a mod to quickly find out what drops where, or what items each profession can craft and so on is invaluable, and also prevents people always asking "where does <item> drop?!" all the time. Get it, use it.
Those are the critical ones, the ones that ALL raiders should have and use. I'd also VERY strongly recommend having Decursive if you are a class that can remove ANY debuffs from raid members; this includes tanks and DPS, and yes, Mages, that means you as well. I know many healers prefer to just work with the debuff alerts of their raid frames, which is fine if they can work with those, but everyone should either have that kind of setup or have Decursive for one-click removals.
Finally... this isn't so much for raiding, but for the sake of sanity; Archy for anyone doing Archaeology, be they just starting out, maxed out, or anywhere in between. Whilst some of the mod is pointless frills, as a whole it helps speed things up a lot and can make a swifter and easier job of a boring profession grind.
DeadlyBossMods - This is probably the most important mod, and also the only one that we've actually had issues with (or more accurately, issues because of its absence or because of an outdated version being used). This mod is mandatory for ALL raiders, and it needs to be kept up to date. Even if you already have this mod, make sure it's the latest version! As we discovered recently, an even slightly outdated version lacks certain features in fights like Atramedes that can make a noticeable difference. Get it, tinker with the settings as appropriate, and keep it up to date.
Threat Meters : Omen or Skada are good choices, with Omen being the good ol' reliable classic, and Skada is a nice lightweight alternative that includes damage/healing meters (making it a decent alternative to Recount if you don't need the massive in-depth info Recount delivers, or if you need something much lighter). And yes, you DO need this mod even if you're a tank or healer. I don't care if you have a mod that puts % threat warnings in your scrolling combat text, get one of these two now.
Damage Meters : Recount or Skada are the two to look at, with Recount being the better of the two in that it keeps more in-depth information including the contribution of each ability, how much things hit for, crit for, how often they were a crit, and more (often with a wonderful pie chart graphical representation to make it even clearer). Please note that meters are NOT for spamming into channels, they are for observing your performance and working out if you're doing something wrong and how you can improve. And maybe for a slight e-peen extension on occasion...
AtlasLoot : I neither know nor care if there are other mods out there to tell you what drops where; AtlasLoot is the best I've seen and the only one I (and most everyone else) uses, and any raider should have it. Having a mod to quickly find out what drops where, or what items each profession can craft and so on is invaluable, and also prevents people always asking "where does <item> drop?!" all the time. Get it, use it.
Those are the critical ones, the ones that ALL raiders should have and use. I'd also VERY strongly recommend having Decursive if you are a class that can remove ANY debuffs from raid members; this includes tanks and DPS, and yes, Mages, that means you as well. I know many healers prefer to just work with the debuff alerts of their raid frames, which is fine if they can work with those, but everyone should either have that kind of setup or have Decursive for one-click removals.
Finally... this isn't so much for raiding, but for the sake of sanity; Archy for anyone doing Archaeology, be they just starting out, maxed out, or anywhere in between. Whilst some of the mod is pointless frills, as a whole it helps speed things up a lot and can make a swifter and easier job of a boring profession grind.