Raiders, Trial Raiders... Ready?


New Member
Hi Folks,

I'm continuing to use the in-game calendar for raid invites/sign-ups and have set one up for Thursday to assess who is ready and have a crack at kicking some butt.
Will active Raiders and Trial Raiders please login to your main and check your calendar. Please set to accept/tentative/decline as appropriate. Please only use Tentative if there is a good chance you will be there.
If you think you should have had an invite and didn't, please poke or mail me in game.

Let's get ready to rrrruuuummmbbblleeeeeee!


New Member
Further to this...

Will Raiders and Trial Raiders please check the Guild Roster spreadsheet here and add in the days you are available (M-Su columns).
Y = Yes, available
N = Not available
M = Maybe (where you are more likely than not to be on)

If you are likely to be available but only after a certain time, please add that in the "Times" column.

If your gear level needs updating, please do that also.

Please don't make too many other changes. If you see anything very wrong please let me and/or Lideon know with an in-game /w, mail, email or post on here (soooo many way to communicate!)

Many thanks.


My game time has expired. I'll be back whenever I find the time and interest to get it.
But the days I added onto the sheet are still going to be accurate even after I get the time and money to subscribe again.