Raiding from now on.


In Cryo Sleep
Right guys. Look.
Lets not lie.
Raiding is fucked untill were 80 now.

But, all is NOT lost.

We have a month or so.
And were getting 10-20 signups.

So , as the most experinced old - world raider.
Im beggingin regular old world raiding.

Starting tonight with ZG.


Well-Known Member
To formalise this further:

All progression raiding is officially on hold at least until the next patch hits. We'll see what happens then, but at the moment their are insufficient signups for us to form raids, so we're going to avoid further hassle for the time being.

Karazhan raids can still go ahead (maybe even Zul'aman, if the interest is shown), but nothing more in terms of Burning Crusade raid content.

In the meanwhile, however, Tingham will be setting up raids of old-world content, and running groups through the necessary attunements for them.

If people haven't done any of these old raids, I very much urge you to try them; many of them were incredibly fun, with some fantastic encounters that, to be honest, make some of the Burning Crusade ones seem a bit transparent or boring.

Zul'gurub is one of my all-time favourites, and whilst you're very unlikely to get anything useful out of the place, it's fun, and who knows, you might pick something up that looks cool *cough*Jin'rohk*cuogh*


Well-Known Member
20-man MC anyone? ;) I've not said hello to Raggy for a while.

Did they take out the silly keying quests to get into that place?


Well-Known Member
The only quest is the one to through Blackrock Depths and get a stone from just outside the MC portal within BRD itself. The only other things you need to do for MC are do some Hydraxian Waterlords quests and get enough rep for the Aqual Quintessences (spelling?) to douse the runes behind each boss. No more quests beyond those that I know of that are needed to get in or be able to fight all bosses.


Well-Known Member
The only quest is the one to through Blackrock Depths and get a stone from just outside the MC portal within BRD itself. The only other things you need to do for MC are do some Hydraxian Waterlords quests and get enough rep for the Aqual Quintessences (spelling?) to douse the runes behind each boss. No more quests beyond those that I know of that are needed to get in or be able to fight all bosses.

I forgot about the dousing. They should remove all that, so that folks can just jump in and experience the ragnaros fight. He is awesome :)