Raiding -Officers Present?


In Cryo Sleep
Right just want to say i like how many weekly raids we have its nice to see there is lots for us to do, keeps our options open and keeps us on our toes however.......

I have seen a lot lately of raid invite time approaching and either no officers being online or officers being online and not wanting to raid, consequently not even bothering to get raids started. There are many people that would be willing to "Lead" a raid but the whole orginisation, starting up and general sorting our of a raid is down to the officers.

It seems to me like there is a lacking interest in raiding, not just with officers with members as well but that's for another day :). Fort now id like to see what you guys think about it and if anything needs addressing, this is not an attack on you guys i just like signing on to raid and then, well... Raiding. :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Re: Raiding -Officers Present? Well?

Ahey, :)

the whole orginisation, starting up and general sorting our of a raid is down to the officers.

To be fair, it is up to officers and veterans. They have access to /o and the Veterans sub-forum for just that purpose, among others.

On the other hand, your point is well taken. I shall be looking into what we can do about it, then. :)

Thanks for the heads-up.



Re: Raiding -Officers Present? Well?

On the officers forums there was a thread for those being addressed to explain themselves so here I go.

Hai. For myself, I dont feel comfortable enough to be a raidleader. I like to mess around with the bank and sort things out, keeping our stock filled. But as where to go and what to do raidwise I feel that that is more of a job of the experienced raiding officers.

I did help out yesterday and joined the raid yesterday even though I did not feel like raiding when I saw they only needed 1 or 2 more persons.

Yes I can make a group, put people together but no I wont lead them, I feel that there is a lack of people that want to lead. I can just fill a raid with all that want to be present but I can not give them a leadership type officer if there is none of those logged on. And for me yes, ive been taking a break the last two weeks from raiding. But I do keep an eye on guildmatters, read forums, sort invites to the guild, help out the people that just joined the guild showing them where to go or what do to, help out people that cant seem to find groups, farm herbs, restock the guildbank, even give some boosts through lower level instances. I feel quite happy doing that. No I dont want to raid at the moment because im very tired. And im not going to force myself to raid. (gah which i actually did yesterday) Ive signed the calendar on all raids as a Maybe.
If not being involved with a raid is unacceptable for an officer which takes care of other things in the guild well feel free to demote me


Well-Known Member
Re: Raiding -Officers Present? Well?

My connection's been screwed. Got a problem with that? Take it up with my router.

If my connection works and I'm around? Then I'll see about forming a raid if someone else hasn't already done so.

I'd also like to point out that the Veterans are there to form raids when the Officers can't/aren't about (or when the only officers present aren't the ones to make raids). You have the Veteran rank for a reason, use it!

Also, there's a WoW Veterans usergroup, make sure you sign up for it so you can access your private subforums.


New Member
Re: Raiding -Officers Present? Well?

I have seen a lot lately of raid invite time approaching and no officers being online

Yes, I noticed that too, but I don't see much of a problem here. We currently have six Officers, which is less than we had before the introduction of the Veteran rank. Throw in router issues and absence for RL(RP) stuff among other things, and suddenly it's quite understandable that there are days, especially weekdays, where no officers are online at all. We don't need 20 people that can invite new members, demote midge to peon or manage the guild bank but I agree that if theres a raid scheduled, there always has to be someone online that can form and lead a group. As Zooggy said, this is one of the situations where Veterans can and should step up. And I may add that especially Nactall and Marqo have been doing a great job here in the past, and it is not only Glenn that's already fallen in love with the crazy German doing tactics.

just my 2c


Well-Known Member
Re: Raiding -Officers Present? Well?

Also, there's a WoW Veterans usergroup, make sure you sign up for it so you can access your private subforums.

Did not know this, but I'm away from the game atm anyways :p