Raiding schedule

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Well-Known Member
This ties in nicely with the raiding days thread. OK, it's not all that new, but we are trying to make raiding a little less random, so as far as possible we will be aiming to stick with this schedule.

Wed : "Night off" (Weekly Raid / VoA / PvP night)
Thu: Progression - Primary focus being ICC (10 or 10x2 or 25)
Fri: Progression - Primary focus being ICC (10 or 10x2 or 25)
Sat : Fun / Alts / Gearing / Achievement raids (eg Ulduar HM, weekly badge raid etc)
Sun : Night off
Mon : Fun / Alts / Gearing / Achievement raids (eg Ulduar HM, weekly badge raid etc)
Tue : Haven LX for the Vanilla Thrillas, same as Sat/Mon for the others

The main raiding nights - Thurs & Fri - are aimed at main progression characters - gearing those up and progressing through new content. Alts will only be taken if required by the raid leader to fulfil an essential role, and trial-raider-and-up ranks will get priority over alts when it comes to drops.

REMINDER - progression raids should not be PUGged without asking an officer or veteran first.

At present, this applies to ICC 10 only. If you get a chance to PUG anything else, then go do it, have fun, and good luck!

If you know you're going to be away on the progression nights and get a chance to PUG a progression raid, then let an officer know, or mention it on the signup thread or elsewhere on the forum. Permission to attend said raid should still be sought out. If no Veterans/Officers are present but you KNOW you won't be available on the raid nights and an opportunity comes your way, go for it, but do try to inform us where possible.


Nice, good thing this has been posted. Things have been very random indeed. I hope this helps with that.


In Cryo Sleep
Sounds good! Be nice to have a raiding schedule again ^^

However, since ICC25 is beyond the reach of a guild run atm, would it be acceptable to PUG at anytime during the week as long as an officer/veteran is informed....??


Well-Known Member
However, since ICC25 is beyond the reach of a guild run atm, would it be acceptable to PUG at anytime during the week as long as an officer/veteran is informed....??

Permission should be requested, rather than officers being informed. I know it seems like a small difference, but if we have plans for the 25 that we think are viable, then we'll need people to be asking rather than just doing it whilst leaving a note on the proverbial fridge door.


Well-Known Member
Updated a little bit partly for clarification, partly to adapt to how we don't tend to wait till Monday for the Weekly, and partly to cover the fact that we don't really use Thursday as "just a gearing night anymore".

Also, pre-emptively: once 3.3.5 is released and the Ruby Sanctum becomes available, it will obviously apply as main progression on 10 and 25 and will fall under the same rules as ICC. Exactly which nights we attempt it on remains to be seen, expect more on that closer to the time.
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