Raiding with other guilds


Well-Known Member
Right, I need to announce this now since people either don't know or aren't listening: you are not allowed to raid with other guilds without getting the permission of an officer first. By going to raid with other guilds, you are locking yourself to that raid and potentially denying the guild from being able to do that raid by having reduced our available manpower.

If we have to call off raids due to people raiding with other guilds, I will, to say the least, be pissed. You ask first, or don't go at all. No officer online? Don't go. Officer says no? Don't go. If you go without asking or when an officer says no, you could be kicked.


In Cryo Sleep
Bit peeved that its killed off our slim chances of raiding a 25 man this weekend :(


New Member
In my mind, raiding with another guild is an absolute no-no.

The only time I did that was in a ZA run withg Storm Lords Reloaded on a week I knew I wouldn't be able to attend a Friday/Sunday ZA raid (quite a while now).


Junior Administrator
Bit peeved that its killed off our slim chances of raiding a 25 man this weekend :(

In my mind, raiding with another guild is an absolute no-no.

The only time I did that was in a ZA run withg Storm Lords Reloaded on a week I knew I wouldn't be able to attend a Friday/Sunday ZA raid (quite a while now).

I looked yesterday at the signups. 9 Yes votes is in no way enough to do a 25-man raid. If that suddenly jumps to 25 yesses today then I'll be amazed.

That, and all people received permission from officers.


I agree totally ... i dont see why other people go off with other guilds raiding when we are so short for our guild raids..... All you people buggering off STOP IT!!


In Cryo Sleep
I'le freely admit i was in the Pug raid that went on, only however because of the low "Yes" turnout on the forum meaning a 25-man raid was pretty far off. But i apologise for not getting permission first.


Well-Known Member
I've not got a problem with people going to other raids provided that they ask first; if we know with an absolute certainty that nothing is going to happen with that particular raid, or if it's Monday/Tuesday and stuff is about to reset, then you may well get permission to go, it's just REALLY important that you check first so we know.


In Cryo Sleep
For anyone still unaware i thought i would revive this old sticky thread, seeing as a few members today were obviously unclear of these rules.

No one ranked trial raider or above are allowed to raid outside of our own guild events unless they have asked for, and been given express permission from officers.

The ONLY excepection to this is with VoA [wintergrasp raid] or if its the night before raid reset.

Even if you dont get a spot in a raid dont presume it means your automatically free to raid with others as you please. you still need permission incase your needed in our own raid later.

In the past as you may see from this post we have missed out on raid nights due to people being locked when they shouldnt be and we want to avoid it happening again at all costs. By locking yourself to an out of guild raid you can potentially ruin a raid for up to 24 guildies and as punishment will loose future raiding spots.

This may all sound harsh, so to be clear:

- You are more than welcome to raid outside of the guild, just make sure you have permission to do it before hand. at the very least it means if it becomes a problem the officer who gave you permission will get a bollocking and not you :p


In Cryo Sleep
At present it would seem the rank structure and how high you are in the sign-ups doesnt matter...I have heard that people are getting sick of doin Naxx and therefore the higher content will be raided instead. This is going to cause a real divide between Officer Elite group and the rest of the guild. If i get an invite to a Naxx raid from a friend, i will be accepting it (if i want to go), with or without officer permission. The guild can no longer sustain the number raiding members it holds. I know not to sign up to a weekend raid if im locked.

I know this is going to make me unpopular, but i no longer care.

I anyone has any problems with this please say and ill remove my raiding characters from the guild to save you the bother.



In Cryo Sleep
At present it would seem the rank structure and how high you are in the sign-ups doesnt matter...I have heard that people are getting sick of doin Naxx and therefore the higher content will be raided instead. This is going to cause a real divide between Officer Elite group and the rest of the guild. If i get an invite to a Naxx raid from a friend, i will be accepting it (if i want to go), with or without officer permission. The guild can no longer sustain the number raiding members it holds. I know not to sign up to a weekend raid if im locked.

I know this is going to make me unpopular, but i no longer care.

I anyone has any problems with this please say and ill remove my raiding characters from the guild to save you the bother.


Dont get me wrong i wasnt saying people shouldnt raid outside our guild, and its not a problem, its just that at the very least officers should be asked and raiders need to be aware of this.

As for the whole "were raiding higher content stuff instead of naxx" well i dont know how true that is, when you consider there isnt much else other than naxx, and that naxx is still the main one we will be doing that most for a logn time to come. I have only heard official remarks about trying the newer stuff, but nothing about stopping naxx all together.

For the number of raiders we have again im confused. In terms of sign ups we are still struggling to get healers and tanks for multiple groups and for the 25 man raids [hence todays single group which in fairness alot of the newer raiders were given priority hence the achievment spams in guild], so to suggest we have too many raiders is a littler perplexing given our current situation.

The elitism remark i wont comment much on. To an extent it does exist, this issue has been adressed in officer chat and the officer forum and trust me, its far better than it used to be, and unfortunately alot of the decisions made arent because of the officers being elitist, but it may seem so to some members.

As for your decisions towards raiding with your friends i dont mind, and its fine for me as long as your aware fully of your actions and the effects it may have upon you raid sign up status. If you constantly raid outside of the guild the sad fact is your position in our own may be shifted lower.

How ever, your opinion on this will be noted, and i do feel this is something i should make aware to the other officers, because we cant ignor the fact you may not be the only one with outlooks like this and if other guild members truly feel the same it should be adressed.


In Cryo Sleep
At present it would seem the rank structure and how high you are in the sign-ups doesnt matter...I have heard that people are getting sick of doin Naxx and therefore the higher content will be raided instead. This is going to cause a real divide between Officer Elite group and the rest of the guild. If i get an invite to a Naxx raid from a friend, i will be accepting it (if i want to go), with or without officer permission. The guild can no longer sustain the number raiding members it holds. I know not to sign up to a weekend raid if im locked.

I know this is going to make me unpopular, but i no longer care.

I anyone has any problems with this please say and ill remove my raiding characters from the guild to save you the bother.


With people going off and raiding other things it is very difficult to put together any raids to susstain the number of raiding members.

If people are patient and raise promblems/questions BEFORE going off and raiding with other guilds/people or presuming things then we can discuss it or set you straight on the answers you need.

In short: 1) We cant susstain the number of raiders if people keep killing our raids by going to other guilds raid events and
2) People should post on the forum and ask questions/raise problems instead of presuming the worst.



In Cryo Sleep
I think adriss's complaint stems a lot from last night. I was on teamspeak with him and I must admit I too was a little peeved. Not so much that I wasn't in the raid but because it is a struggle for me to get home on fridays in time for the raids.

Being back at 6.30 pm requires me skipping lunch so I can leave work early and I always post that i may be a few minutes late. Last night I got on line at 6.38 uk time to find not only was the raid group already full but also already in Naxx. This naturally made me inclined to think that it was a case of "oh we have ten suitable people on line lets go".

Now having said that I was informed later that no the group had already been sorted and it was posted on the officer forum and the only reason they were in naxx early was that all that had been selected were online. I am fine with that.

However could we please if the group is already selected get that information out to everyone not just the officers. If I know I am not raiding friday it means I can relax and get to actually have lunch and not feel I have to rush to make it back on time for a raid that I was never going to get to goto.


In Cryo Sleep
My post is not only from last night. When i joined i decided to give the Guild first refusal on any raiding and have done so since. If im not needed in a raid i just need to know.


In Cryo Sleep
*edits post ninja style* sush you! manipulating words like that is liable to get you a punishment! a fine of 3 apples and 2 chickens to be paid by sun down of the 3rd saturday after the next full moon or you will loose all your shoes!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Being back at 6.30 pm requires me skipping lunch [...] If I know I am not raiding friday it means I can relax and get to actually have lunch and not feel I have to rush to make it back on time

You may or may not realise this, but you made my day.

I mean it. :)
