Well-Known Member
I enjoyed ICC10 last night, I think we're doing well to say at least one newb-tank and newb-healer are well.. newb.
But anyway! One thing I would like to suggest we change is please let me mark targets next time (make me assistant). I am in the habbit of doing this from heroics anyway - I always mark the target I'm generating the most threat on and it's nice to plop the mobs down quicker overall by focusing DPS. granted on massive packs a lot of people AOE but still.. every little helps.
I enjoyed ICC10 last night, I think we're doing well to say at least one newb-tank and newb-healer are well.. newb.
But anyway! One thing I would like to suggest we change is please let me mark targets next time (make me assistant). I am in the habbit of doing this from heroics anyway - I always mark the target I'm generating the most threat on and it's nice to plop the mobs down quicker overall by focusing DPS. granted on massive packs a lot of people AOE but still.. every little helps.