Well-Known Member
Some people have been wanting to know what they can and can't PuG on their raiding mains at the moment, so here's a quick bit of info on it:
Naxx 10 is no longer a major guild-run activity. Any raiding member or officer can set up a semi-official one in the guild if they want, and anyone can PuG Naxx10 if they so wish.
Obisidian Sanctum 10 and 25 can be treated the same way, although we will try doing the hard mode for it as an official activity once in a while, so watch out for that.
You must obtain permission to PuG Naxx 25, as it will still be a guild-run activity fairly often, where possible.
Nobody is allowed to raid Ulduar outside of the guild, 10 or 25. If you're not getting taken to Ulduar consistently, it doesn't mean you can raid it with other people, it likely means that your gear isn't good enough. Ulduar is a major step up from Naxx and your gear needs to reflect that.
Vault of Archavon has been and will remain a raid that is entirely up to individuals; PuG or guild group, as you like. Just try and pull guildies in when there's a spare space!
Naxx 10 is no longer a major guild-run activity. Any raiding member or officer can set up a semi-official one in the guild if they want, and anyone can PuG Naxx10 if they so wish.
Obisidian Sanctum 10 and 25 can be treated the same way, although we will try doing the hard mode for it as an official activity once in a while, so watch out for that.
You must obtain permission to PuG Naxx 25, as it will still be a guild-run activity fairly often, where possible.
Nobody is allowed to raid Ulduar outside of the guild, 10 or 25. If you're not getting taken to Ulduar consistently, it doesn't mean you can raid it with other people, it likely means that your gear isn't good enough. Ulduar is a major step up from Naxx and your gear needs to reflect that.
Vault of Archavon has been and will remain a raid that is entirely up to individuals; PuG or guild group, as you like. Just try and pull guildies in when there's a spare space!