Ranked Battlefield Bad Company 2 Server

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Active Member
Myself, thatbloke and solemn have got a ranked 32 player battlefield server, it is currently unconfigured and running bad company 2, afaik it can run ranked battlefield 2 and these games:

Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Vietnam mod too)
Battlefield: Vietnam
Call of Duty
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty 5: World at War
Call of Duty: United Offensive
Medal of Honor (2010)

More information to follow later.

Multiplay :: thehavennet.org.uk :: Mixed Modes

Banners(courtesy of Ronin):

Banners are for unbranded servers only, however, i have managed to disable the multiplay advert one. Debranding is £1.5/m - not needed.



Havent chosen which to use until we get one for us (currently the 2nd one as the ingame screens are grey).

Banners currently not working ingame, size spec is 512x64.


Active Member
Re: Ranked Battlefield Server

Server Messages.

The server can run several messages in sequence with set intervals.

Currently that interval is set at 3 minutes. With 2 messages.

If anyone has a message suggestion, feel free.


Contributors only (seems fair?).

Level 1
Level 2

Any member of THN can apply for, and will receive level 2 server admin status.

Ingame Admin Powers:

Level 1
Reserved slot (This will be revised)
Level 2
Server say
Whisper say
Server yell
Whisper yell
mute :D
restart round
restart map
change to next map
select any map (with 2 rounds)

Actual Commands are below.


Active Member
Re: Ranked Battlefield Server

I shall shortly (next week) sent a short PM to all THNers who play battlefield bc2 or bf2. Reminding them this group is here.

List of BFBC2/BF2 players not in group:
Eld +friends, silk, twacks, spicey pixel, pingue, bob, gizmo, nanor, huung,

The following commands are facilitated by custom plugins, if you dont agree with a command I can easily disable it.

Command Response Scopes (default):

Responses will be displayed to everyone in the server. Everyone will see "Phogue has been kicked for team killing".

Responses will only be displayed to the account holder that issued the command. The command issuer will see "Phogue has been kicked for team killing" but no one else will.

Responses will be displayed to all players that hold an account ("display to admins only"). Only account holders will see "Phogue has been kicked for team killing".

All error messages are privately sent to the command issuer

Admin Commands:

Player Muter
#Mute <player> <time>
This mutes a player for the period defined by the admin. Time is in minutes.

In-game Admin Plugin

[U]Ban Type[/U]
Frostbite - Name (default): Bans on the players name alone. This is the weakest type of ban. 
Frostbite - EA GUID: Bans on the players EA GUID which is tied to their login account. 
Punkbuster - GUID: Bans a player on their punkbuster GUID. 

[U]Commands (default)
Kicking / Banning[/U]

@kick [playername] [optional: reason]
Kicks a player from your server 
The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu 
Requirements: Minimum of kick privileges 

@tban [playername] [time in minutes] [optional: reason]
Temporarily bans a player from your server for a set time in minutes 
The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu 
By default procon will not allow users with only temporary ban privileges to ban for longer than an hour 
Requirements: Minimum of temporary ban privileges

@ban [playername] [optional: reason]
Permanently bans a player from your server 
The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu 
Requirements: Permanent ban privileges 


@kill [playername] [optional: reason]
Kills a player 
The reason will appear in the response and message sent to the player 
Requirements: Minimum of kill privileges 

@nuke [optional: team]
Kills every player in the server, or if a team is specified will kill every player on that team 
Has a 10 seconds countdown that can be canceled with the @cancel command 
Requirements: Minimum of kill privileges 


@say [text]
Says [text] for everyone to see from the Server 
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon 

@psay [playername] [text]
Says [text] to a specific player from the Server 
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon 

@yell [text]
BFBC2 only 
Yells [text] for everyone to see in the middle of their screen 
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon 

@pyell [playername] [text]
BFBC2 only 
Yells [text] to a specific player in the middle of their screen 
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon 

[U]Map controls[/U]

@restart [optional: timer]
Restarts the current map 
If specified will display a countdown timer than can be canceled with the 

@cancel command 
Requirements: Must have "Use Map Functions" privileges 

@nextlevel [optional: timer]
Forwards to the next level 
If specified will display a countdown timer than can be canceled with the 

@cancel command 
Requirements: Must have "Use Map Functions" privileges 

[U]Player control[/U]

@move [playername]
Moves a player to another team. Swaps them in Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush and will cycle through the 4 teams in Squad Deathmatch 
Queues the player and will move them when the next die 
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges 

@move [playername] [squad]
BFBC2 only 
Moves a player into a squad on their same team 
Queues the player and will move them when the next die 
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges 

@move [playername] [team]
Moves a player onto another team in no squad 
Queues the player and will move them when the next die 
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges 

@move [playername] [team] [squad]
BFBC2 only 
Moves a player onto another team and into a specific squad 
Queues the player and will move them when the next die 
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges 

fmove functions exactly like all of the @move commands except forces the move immediately by killing the player 
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges 


Cancels all countdowns initiated by the account holder 
You cannot cancel other account holders countdowns 
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon

Simple Scramble

Will not Scramble Teams automatically, though it has options to do so after X Maps/Rounds

Warning -Do not use the @sscramble now command, this will kill anyplayers to switch their teams.

Simple Scramble simply scrambles the teams on your Bad Company 2 server.
The plugin scrambles the teams during a round/map change after the specified number of rounds/maps have passed. The plugin can also be forced to scramble teams instantly, after the current round is over, or after the current map is over by using the sscramble command.

To use the sscramble command, the player must have an account on procon with the permission "Allowed to move players between teams and squads". For syntax, see the following:
[@!#/]sscramble <now/round/map>
[strike]To scramble the teams instantly, use: @sscramble now.[/strike]
To scramble the teams when the round ends, use: @sscramble round.
To scramble the teams when the map ends, use: @sscramble map.
To cancel a scramble on round/map end, use: @sscramble cancel.

Commands for everyone:

Basic Info

Privately tells the player what country the server is located in
@loc [playername]
Privately tells the player what country another player is in

Rules on Request


Voteban and Votekick

[@,#,!]voteban PlayerName [Reason] Starts a Voteban.
[@,#,!]kickvote PlayerName [Reason] Starts a Votekick.
[@,#,!]vote [yes,no] To vote for or against a Player.
[@,#,!]vote [cancel] To cancel a vote you started (Only the player who started the vote can cancel his vote).

Players can start a maximum of 1 kick votes per round, the clantag [THN] and admin account names are whitelisted (protected).
Notes: Voteban is disabled. 60 percent of players must vote yes.

Mixed Game Modes

[prefix]nextmap - DO NOT CONFUSE WITH nextlevel (the map will change)!
Display the next map instantly to chat
Prefixes that can be used are !, @, #, and /

Admin InGame Map Commands

Provides in-game commands for maplist manipulations. Those can be to define the next map to be run or to query available maps for the running gametype. It interacts with BasicInGameInfo & InGameAdmin.

How it works
Being enabled the plugin will get a list of all available maps for all supported gamemodes in the running mod (vanilla BFBC2 or BFBC2-Vietnam). Next it will check which is the current map and the gamemode. With this information it provides the list of available maps. Maps which should be selected are checked against maps in the running gamemode. If a selection is confirmed the plugin checks if that map is already in the current maplist rotation. On a hit the nextLevelIndex is set to that map in the rotation. If the selected map is not in the rotation it is instered into the maplist rotation and the nextLevelIndex is set to that map. The placement is done regarding the setting (add map method). A map is inserted with two rounds to play.

You need to issue the InGameAdmin 'Next Map' command (nextlevel by default) to forward to the selected map.

usable by all players
will list all available maps in the running gamemode

@map [MapName] [optional: fast]
only usable by admins (Procon account holder) with CanUseMapFunctions privileges
[MapName] can be the level file name (Levels/mp_001sr) or the friendly name (Panama Canal). A short form can be used.
[optional: fast] adding 'fast' to the command while pointing/searching a map filename will directly load the map.
Note: You must select a map by the filename to use fast-option!
sets the selected and confirmed map as the next map

@rotation [DONT USE]
usable by all players
will list all maps in the current mapList/Rotation with id-nr, name and filename.

usable by all players
will list all available gamemode

@gamemode [GameMode] [optional: mapFileName / all] [optional: fast] [optional: override]

only usable by admins (Procon account holder) with CanUseMapFunctions privileges
[GameMode] has to be one of the keywords just like the server wants it for admin.setPlaylist command.
[mapFileName] can be the keyword 'all' to add all maps/levels of the selected gamemode to the new rotation.
To add a specific map use the correct filename incl. 'Levels/' path.
[fast] use this keyword to change to the new gamemode and map directly.
[override] use this keyword to override the gamemode maxPlayer count.
(CONQUEST & RUSH up to 32 players, SQDM up to 16 players, SQRUSH up to 8 players)
sets the selected and confirmed gamemode if the actual player count fits the selection
clears the maplist, adds all available maps for the selected gamemode and forwards to the first map in the selected gamemode.

Quake Counter

Quake Counter monitors the weapons used to get kills, and punishes kill streaks with projectile explosive weapons:
Read about it on its wiki page.
Current config and an example of what happens when you get 15 consecutive kills.

Plugin Name Template

Map list:

Map list when in CQ only mode:
Panama Canal
Arica Harbor
Nelson Bay
Heavy Metal
Laguna Alta
Harvest Day
Laguna Presa
Port Valdez
White Pass
Atacama Desert (Its not last!)

If this CQ only maplist map list is active, NON of the admin commands will run.

Additional Options:

It is possible to edit each of the following settings on a Map by map basis, and by game mode, for example, to test this i have disabled vehicles if the server is running in squad deathmatch mode.

# tickets <percent> (default: 100) This is a scale-factor for the original number of tickets on a level for Conquest, number of tickets for both teams for Rush and Squadrush, number of tickets for the attacking team for Squad Deathmatch, winning ticketcount
# ticketBleedSpeed <percent> (default: 100) This is a scale-factor for the original bleed-speed for a level specifies how quickly tickets should bleed when one side has dominance
# vehicleSpawnRate <percent> (default: 100) This is a scale-factor for the original vehicle spawn rate on a level specifies how quickly vehicles should respawn; this does not affect other caps that are built into the levels, such as “Max X vehicles of type Y on this level”
# vehiclesDisabled <true|false> (default: false) When disabled, vehicles and stationary anti-vehicle weapons are removed from the level. Disabling vehicles makes the server “Modified”.
# startDelay <seconds> (default varies from gamemode to gamemode) pecifies how long the spawn-delay will be once the first player has loaded in to a map
# respawnDelay <seconds> (default: 15-20 somewhere) when a player is killed, it takes this long until he/she can spawn in again. Minimum allowed value is 10 seconds.

It is also possible to disable a specific vehicle type on any map, when disabled vehicle is active all turrets/uav are removed too.


Active Member
Custom Map List Information

This post is to explain map lists on the server, and to store lists we like, the map list can be changed in real time with no disruption or the current players to the server.

You may use the list below the construct custom map lists, I dont think there is a limit on the size of the list and the same map may be in the list more than once, additionally the server will switch between game types without hesitation, though switching from a higher server cap to a lower one will kick players. It is however possible to set it to automatically switch between game modes depending on the amount of players in the server. This can be either 'CQ+Rush, switching to SQDM' or 'CQ+Rush, switching to SquadRush' (Or SQDM switching to SquadRush).

Available Maps
levels/mp_001 ................. Panama Canal
levels/mp_003 ................. Laguna Alta
levels/mp_005 ................. Atacama Desert
levels/mp_006cq .............. Arica Harbor
levels/mp_007 ................. White Pass
levels/mp_008cq .............. Nelson Bay
levels/mp_009cq .............. Laguna Presa
levels/mp_012cq .............. Port Valdez
levels/bc1_harvest_day_cq . Harvest Day
levels/bc1_oasis_cq ........... Oasis
levels/mp_sp_005cq .......... Heavy Metal
levels/mp_002 ............... Valparaíso
levels/mp_004 ............... Isla Inocentes
levels/mp_006 ............... Arica Harbor
levels/mp_007gr ............ White Pass
levels/mp_008 ............... Nelson Bay
levels/mp_009gr ............ Laguna Presa
levels/mp_012gr ............ Port Valdez
levels/mp_005gr ............ Atacama Desert
levels/bc1_harvest_day_gr Harvest Day
levels/bc1_oasis_gr ......... Oasis
levels/mp_sp_002gr ........ Cold War
levels/mp_001sr ............. Panama Canal
levels/mp_002sr ............. Valparaíso
levels/mp_005sr ............. Atacama Desert
levels/mp_009sr ............. Laguna Presa
levels/mp_012sr ............. Port Valdez
levels/mp_003sr ............. Laguna Alta
levels/bc1_harvest_day_sr Harvest Day
levels/bc1_oasis_sr ......... Oasis
levels/mp_sp_002sr ......... Cold War
Squad Deathmatch
levels/mp_001sdm ............ Panama Canal
levels/mp_004sdm ............ Isla Inocentes
levels/mp_006sdm ............ Arica Harbor
levels/mp_007sdm ............ White Pass
levels/mp_009sdm ............ Laguna Presa
levels/mp_008sdm ............ Nelson Bay
levels/bc1_harvest_day_sdm Harvest Day
levels/bc1_oasis_sdm ........ Oasis
levels/mp_sp_002sdm ........ Cold War
levels/mp_sp_005sdm ........ Heavy Metal

Map lists contain just the file info and the number of rounds:
levels/mp_006cq 1-x
levels/mp_006 0

Zero is the same as not having a specified round count, in both cases 2 round will run.

Server Size:
2-32 Conquest
2-32 Rush
2-16 Squad Deathmatch
2-8 Squad Rush

Default(duff) Maplist:
levels/mp_001 0
levels/mp_002 0
levels/mp_003 0
levels/mp_004 0
levels/mp_005 0
levels/mp_006 0
levels/mp_007 0
levels/mp_008 0
levels/mp_009cq 0
levels/mp_012gr 0
levels/bc1_harvest_day_cq 0
levels/bc1_oasis_gr 1
levels/mp_sp_002gr 0
levels/mp_001 0
levels/bc1_oasis_cq 0
levels/mp_005gr 0
levels/mp_006cq 0
levels/mp_007gr 0
levels/mp_008cq 0
levels/mp_009gr 0
levels/mp_012cq 0
levels/bc1_harvest_day_gr 0
levels/bc1_oasis_cq 0
levels/mp_sp_005cq 0

Proposed Map lists:
1. Standard Mixed Modes;
Every map has 2 rounds in the list, no more than 2 in sequence, where there is a number 1, this means 1 round will be played.

Conquest .. Panama Canal
Rush ........ Isla Inocentes
Conquest .. Harvest Day
Conquest .. Laguna Alta
Rush ........ Arica Harbor
Conquest .. Heavy Metal 1
Conquest .. Port Valdez
Rush ........ Valparaíso
Conquest .. Nelson Bay
Conquest .. Laguna Presa
Rush ........ White Pass
Conquest .. Atacama Desert 1
Conquest .. Heavy Metal 1
Rush ........ Cold War
Rush ........ Isla Inocentes 1
Conquest .. Arica Harbor
Conquest .. Atacama Desert 1
Rush ........ Valparaíso
Conquest .. White Pass 1
Conquest .. Oasis
Rush ........ Port Valdez
Conquest .. Panama Canal
Conquest .. Laguna Alta
Rush ........ Oasis
Rush ........ Laguna Presa
Conquest .. Laguna Presa
Rush ........ Atacama Desert
Conquest .. White Pass 1
Conquest .. Arica Harbor
Rush ........ Nelson Bay
Conquest .. Atacama Desert 1
Rush ........ Harvest Day
Conquest .. White Pass 1

levels/mp_sp_005cq 1
levels/mp_005 1
levels/mp_sp_005cq 1
levels/mp_004 1
levels/mp_005 1
levels/mp_007 1
levels/mp_007 1
levels/mp_005 1
levels/mp_007 1

2. Desert Maps Only
Panama Canal .... levels/mp_001
Arica Harbor ........ levels/mp_006cq
Atacama Desert ... levels/mp_005 1
Oasis ................. levels/bc1_oasis_cq
Atacama Desert ... levels/mp_005 1

3. CQC Maps
Arica Harbor ........ levels/mp_006cq
Oasis ................. levels/bc1_oasis_cq
White Pass
Laguna Presa

3. Tank Slog maps
Atacama Desert
Heavy Metal
Harvest Day
Port Valdez

Empty Maplist - Runs this map list with less than 11 ppl on the server:
levels/mp_001 1
levels/mp_003 1
levels/mp_002 1
levels/mp_004 1
levels/mp_006cq 1
levels/mp_009cq 1
levels/mp_007gr 1
levels/mp_008 0
levels/mp_sp_002gr 1
levels/bc1_oasis_cq 2


Active Member
Change list to the above posts

I compiled all of the above to assist me when configuring the server, and to help yall out when using it, or wondering whats possible, as i make changes and add things, i shall include vague a list of changes here.

Change List:
Added Quake counter to post 3, and screenshots - Quake counter is not active on Conquest maps with battle tanks.

Fixed Admin InGame Map Commands, admins can now change the map on the fly.

Added Team scrambler;
To scramble the teams when the round ends, use: @sscramble round.
To scramble the teams when the map ends, use: @sscramble map.
To cancel a scramble on round/map end, use: @sscramble cancel.

Added Server rules Requests;

Added Empty map list at 10 players;
5 CQ maps, 5 rush maps, 1 round each, this alternate map list will be used when the server is filling up/emptying out.
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