Razerhoof moving guilds..Zakron staying



Hey guys,
I'm gonna move Razer over to Burst, at least for a while, as I've been doing a bit of kara with them,and its not fair on Haven or Burst to be doing that while still staying in Haven. I have a feeling that I'm a bit too casual to keep up with their raiding schedule, so I'll probably be crawling back to Haven soon anyway!
I'd like to keep Zakron, my lock, in Haven if thats ok with people, as I really like both guilds ( if I could have Razer in both guilds at the same time I would ). Razer is still available as a healer for Haven, so so please add Razerhoof to your friends list, and if I've got time, I'm happy to come and heal for you guys in 5 mans, heroics or kara if you're short of a healer. I really like the principles Haven is run on and theres no real reason for me moving Razer, except that I seem to be raiding and instancing more with the guys from Burst.