RE: My leaving


In Cryo Sleep
Well, as those of you who were online know, I left the guild for numerous reasons.

I left with respect and wished you well on your raiding. I was not expecting such an abusive reply to my leaving. Think I'm a 4 year old? Please, look in the mirror and see that your reaction was childish and hardly respectful. Maybe now you can understand why I left; because there is no respect for certain members?

In any case, thanks to those who made my time in The Haven great and at the end, bearable. Hopefully I'll see you in-game sometime. And I re-extend my hopes for your successful raiding progression; and hope for a return to how The Haven once was rather than how it is now.



New Member
It's real sad that something like that occurs..

I mean come on, people should be able to leave on their own terms and not being flamed becaus of it..


In Cryo Sleep
I still really don't know what happened but I've seen this coming for a while now. It is a shame that this had to happen but it's just the latest in a long series of incidents. I really just wish people talk to someone, if not me then someone, about their problems beofre they left.

Still, whats done is done.

To the future, eh?


In Cryo Sleep
Well, maybe officers could try to sort out problems in more diplomatic way aswell? I mean demoting someone while he's not around and not giving a proper cause is not what I expect from community guild.


In Cryo Sleep
I didnt see anyone say -anything- when you left, bad or otherwise.

If you have an issue that happened in /w with another player i suggest you take it up with them and discuss it like adults, rather than sully your own leaving thread with negative thoughts.

Anyways, have a gooden.



New Member

Sad to see you leave the guild, had a nice time with you in here.
On the fact of ppls not being nice to you i gotta say that when you left there where about 5 minute long good bye, cya around, omg why, sad 2 c you go in guild chat it kept going on until one said that you already left before the 1st reply so i think a big lot of haveners is sad 2 see you go tbh and i am one of them.

Good luck in da game and cya around.
Robin (nactall)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Just want to say, I agree with Nactall. Yuo may have caught some flak (and in a guild our size, that's bound to happen, a bit), but a lot of people were either caught by surprise, or outright sorry to see you go. That's me included, by the way, but you know that already, right? :)

In any case, we'll talk some more, some time down the line...
