Reactivated for a month...


In Cryo Sleep
Just reactivated my account for a one month trial period, to see if i can enjoy the game again now or not :)

Weel see in about a week what the results are :). This is a planned return, so lets hope it goes well.

Not sure right now if im going to pick up Zorse again or start Baldi proper at 80 after getting him there and not doing to much with him.

Ill be looking for people to party with in the next week or so a lot anyways, so if you see me ingame gimme a shout.

See you in game,



Well-Known Member
And there was much, much, much rejoicing, followed by a muttered I KNEW it! Told you so!

Damnit, Baldi, don't feed the Zooggy, he'll get bad ideas!

Also, here's hoping that the return to WoW will fuel further additions to the quote list for my "Daily: Quote the Bald One" sig!