Yes folks..
Its that time of the year again when nothing is as important to me as kicking back on the sofa with a brew, and watching 24 hour coverage of the madness that is Big Brother.
I am not ashamed to say that I am addicted, and I cannot see this year being any different.
Are you looking forward to this event as much as me, or does the idea of 12 idiots prancing around pretending to be normal, whilst secretly harbouring desires of world fame annoy you?
For those who love it, we will use this thread to bitch and gossip about the daily happenings in Britains most famous house.
For those who hate it, my apologies for what may become in your eyes, endless drivel about nothing.
Finally.. To make matters worse..It lasts for 13 weeks this year.
Its that time of the year again when nothing is as important to me as kicking back on the sofa with a brew, and watching 24 hour coverage of the madness that is Big Brother.
I am not ashamed to say that I am addicted, and I cannot see this year being any different.
Are you looking forward to this event as much as me, or does the idea of 12 idiots prancing around pretending to be normal, whilst secretly harbouring desires of world fame annoy you?
For those who love it, we will use this thread to bitch and gossip about the daily happenings in Britains most famous house.
For those who hate it, my apologies for what may become in your eyes, endless drivel about nothing.
Finally.. To make matters worse..It lasts for 13 weeks this year.