Refresh rate on natural selection


Tried installing this and having trouble with screen refresh rate on my CRT. I like a screen refresh rate of 85Hz and have this setting on windows desktop and games.

Trouble is ns runs better with OpenGl, rather than direct3d. It gives me 85Hz ok with direct3d video setting, but the half life engine was written when OpenGl was in it's element way back in 1998 and I can only get 60Hz. I can't remember now how I got it to 85Hz way back when I last installed it.

Anyone know of a clever trick to alter screen refresh frequency with OpenGl on nvidia 8800GTS?


Junior Administrator
is there some kind of option for it in the nVidia driver options?

You may also be able to force a particular frame rate by going to your display settings, clicking the Advanced button and having a play with some of the options in that menu too.


It's not the framerate that is the issue, that can easily be adjusted with the "fps_max" command in console. It's the refresh rate (frequency) of opengl I wish to adjust.


Active Member
Come to think of it I've never seen the option to change the refresh rate anywhere in the original Half-Life 1 engine. Perhaps the engine is limited to a certain refresh rate which cannot be adjusted?


Figured it out, in steam

Here is how to do it:

Open Steam > my games > right click on natural selection > properties > set launch options

In launch options you type -freq 85 (for 85hz)

Always easy when you know how.

Is odd that even though the half life 1 engine is 10 years old, it still doesn't run well in direct3d mode, dropping to 40fps when action is intense. In opengl the framerate NEVER drops below 85fps(max allowed)