Regarding KillCrazy.


In Cryo Sleep
KillCrazy's dad has always been a bit of a meanie byy taking away KC's internet connection randomly, usually at the most inopportune times. Now however he's gone once step further and removed his PC until, I think, he gets a job. I'll find out for definate though and let you know. In the meantime KC wont be on Indefinately however he might occasionally be able to post from Uni.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[mod]Moved from The Soap Box to The Chat Box. The distinction is a bit arbitrary, I admit.[/mod]

Yup, that stinks. He needs his own place and his own PC then he can play when he wants.


Staff member
hm, i'd think it'd be enough to go to uni? isn't that supposed to be full-time?


In Cryo Sleep
Depends on if his dad is financing him really. Oh well. Hope to see you back online ASAP mate.




In Cryo Sleep
DocBot said:
hm, i'd think it'd be enough to go to uni? isn't that supposed to be full-time?

Yes but for some reason I've had to get a job aswell...parents suck!


In Cryo Sleep
Hmm, I'm not sure about the whole "get used to a smell" scenario.

My housemate has stinky feet, they stink when he enters a room, and they still stink 20mins later :eek:.


Junior Administrator
T-Bone said:
however he might occasionally be able to post from Uni.

I'm in two of his classes and haven't seen him for ages... ahem.

Apparantly he was having troubles getting in to uni at the start of the week although I don't know the details, however it would appear that's not been sorted out yet. I did wonder why I haven't heard from him via email as usual.

I can say I had similar demands put on me this time last year (and it is a year next week since I started 'proper' work) so I know what parents can be like.


In Cryo Sleep
That is quite unlucky. However, my house is open for yous to come round any time. In fact, I was going to phone you and KC tonite to see if you wanted to come round, play some games, watch a movie, have a bash on the ol' 360 etc. Ill fone you later on after WORK :)


Active Member
Bah, my parents still give me grief even though I have a job. (Although that's about the one thing they're ok with). At least you can relax during lectures.


*Walks off muttering about "Bloody students" ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Yes but Sam you're 23 and you really should HAVE a job.

I also harp on about Sam not having a job.



Staff member
Heh dont worry, once you've got a job then they start giving you grief about babies and houses :) Dont expect a reprieve just because you are earning.

* wanders off grumbling *


In Cryo Sleep
That's sad to hear. And i even told him to be careful after that MAC address hack so he could circumvent his block. :)

We must form an underground movement! Kill the parents!