Regretfully Leaving World of Warcraft


New Member
Despite the guild being the best it has been since I joined, I have decided that I will be leaving WoW indefinatly. It's nothing to do with the guild or those within the guild or anything like that. I just feel that the game just doesn't entertain me like it used to as I tend to only play on friday raids, which is just not enough play time for the monthly fee to be honest.

I will, obviously, still hang around and post here, specifically my funny pics thread and might return when Wrath of the Lich King is released, but until then I will be putting my profile on hold.

- Vonya


Well-Known Member
I understand, mate; hope we get you back for Wrath!

(also, I'll set Baldi on you irl - no hard feelings, just want some entertainment :P )


In Cryo Sleep
Be a shame to see u go mate, but u gotta do what u gotta do.
Guess ile have to spam for two.
Take care irl and hopefuly c u in wotlk


In Cryo Sleep
Ill be round your house at about 5, see you then. P.s call an ambulance at about 4.30, just to be prepared. Tell them that there has been an "Melon in Anus" incident and your require thier assistance.

Baldi xxxxxxx