Replacement gun models


Staff member
I got a bit bored of the defualt gun models so I spent some time hunting around and replacing them all with much better models. I thought I'd be nice and share my changes with you all by putting toegether a gun pack.

You can download the pack here its 70MB in size and replaces ALL gun models with some very nice replacements. I hope you enjoy it - firing guns in CSS just got a whole lot more fun.


Junior Administrator
Well you know my net access situation so I'm not going to be able to play these any time soon - any kind soul wishing to post up some screenies for me to see?

Fuzzy Bunny

Are these compatible with online play, or will I get my Steam account banned? :)


Staff member
I've been using them for a week of intermittent play and I've not been banned so yes they are fine for online play. I believe that steam doesnt care much about gun models - player models are a different story though.


Staff member
no time matey, take them or leave them. The only issue I know about is that the dual beretas are missing their skin atm (lots of purple and black loveliness ensues). Other than that they work perfectly and you'll just have to trust my taste and delete them if you dont like them :)