Reputation Top-10 [07 May 2006]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It's that time again and it's been an active couple of weeks. Here's the low-down:

  1. [up]1[/up] Ronin Storm
  2. [down]1[/down] Macca
  3. [newentry]New![/newentry] T-Bone
  4. [down]1[/down] elDiablo
  5. [up]2[/up] Twisto
  6. [up]3[/up] Fi$hy
  7. [down]3[/down] Pestcontrol
  8. [down]2[/down] Haven
  9. [down]4[/down] Nanor
  10. [newentry]New![/newentry] pHatBambi

Interesting to see that there are no non-movers this fortnight.

Welcome to T-Bone, tying with Haven for the highest new entry in the Reputation Top-10. Nice work! Also welcome to pHatBambi, who bloomin' well deserves a place in the top-10! :)

Also nice to see that my cunning "don't vote for Macca" tactic has paid off. ;) (You can vote for him again, now. :) )

Keep up the good work, everyone!

For those paying attention to the numbers, you may be interested to know that everyone in the top-15 has a Reputation of over 50, but the gaps are opening up a little. Still, a good two weeks, as T-Bone has proven, can rocket you right up there.

You may also be interested to know that I'm musing over rewards for people with good Reputation. Not going to reveal more on that just now, but keep your eyes peeled.


not a bloody sausage for the last couple of weeks :p. I think you were playing mind tricks on people not to give me rep Ronin :p. You evil man.